Dear Tapestry and Spring users,

I'm currently coding a lot of  libraries/JARs using Spring stuff. With Tapestry 
Spring module, I found a very nice feature which is 

I used that feature to automatically add a Spring context configuration XML  
from the classpath of the JARs I was creating.
I found that very nice , because it was offering me the possibility to deliver 
my JAR as a library that can be automatically plugged to an existing webapp 
without having to do any modifications in my web.xml file (except 
org.apache.tapestry5.spring.TapestrySpringFilter) . I found this approach very 
close to the "standard Tapestry way".
Additionnaly I was using a Symbol to set the value of my context configuration 
xml path, which was offering me the possibility to override it by using web.xml 
or JVM launch argument.

The thing is that, currently, if the context-param "contextConfigLocation" is 
not set, CustomizingContextLoader.determineContextClass() will force a lookup 
for WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml , and if this file is not present, an 
exception will be raised

So I've got two solutions, and I don't know which one to choose:
- Telling end users that my JARs are fully autopluggables, and they've got 
nothing to do add in their web.xml file (except 
org.apache.tapestry5.spring.TapestrySpringFilter) BUT they have to place a 
blank applicationContext.xml in WEB-INF/ folder. IF they want they can override 
the dedicated Symbol to change the context configuration. This is not pretty, 
but it allows me to plug any number of JAR without a single modification after.

- Stopping using ApplicationContextCustomizer and telling end users that they 
need for each JAR to provide the correct path for the contextConfigLocation xml 
file. It look like prettier but, damnit, this is f*cking configuration and I 
hate that :-)

What would you choose? the way, I know that Tapestry 5.2 is going to change lot of Spring 
things, maybe that point is going to evolve?


Robin K
-- Atos Worldline


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