We've developed our own custom ValidationDecorator which works nicely. To 
activate it for a form we're pushing it onto the environment in the setupRender 
for each component/page with a form that needs validation, like this:

void setup(MarkupWriter writer)
                environment.push(ValidationDecorator.class, new 
InlineValidationDecorator(environment, writer, spacerImage, false));

(inspired by http://markmail.org/message/pq5u53h4njwldygz)

A corresponding JavaScript file is also included into the page which overrides 
the client side behaviour from tapestry.js the way we want it.

This all works fine until we do Ajax form submission where our 
InlineValidationDecorator is not being pushed onto the environment for the 
partial page render. This is being activated by returning a block from the 
submit event handler.

So, any ideas how to do this? I'm not the first person to hit this stumbling 
block, Inge posted about this here: http://markmail.org/message/izdmsolr626wog4k

This is pretty serious, we really need to solve this issue for our upcoming 
milestone release.



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