Hello, I'm a student as engineer and I have to make an application web with 
Tapestry. It's a wonderful framework, but I'm finding many problems which I 
spend too many time to solve and I've got very few time, so I decided to 
suscribe to this mail-list.

   My current problem now is finding a way to catch and handle an event from a 
Select component. I've read on google about something called "mixings" but 
don't know/understand about it. 
   I tried with something like:

.tml file: 
<t:select t:id="incidSearchType" t:validate="required">

.java file:
void onActionFromIncidSearchType() {  /*Some code here*/ }

   Is there an easy way with @OnEvent or with naming convention to do it or do 
i have to use mixings? I would appreciate some sample code, please. I have read 
half the book that Kolesnikov wrote about tapestry5 and I couldn't find 
anything. Am I missing something? 

   Please, help me. I would aprecciate very much. Thanks for your attention and 
sorry about my english and my newbie question

Thanks very much.
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