Maybe with the example code someone can explain this better why the event
onSendPin is not called when LinkSubmit is clicked, but it is when the
submit button is clicked:

<html xmlns:t="";>
        <title>linksubmit Start Page</title>
        <form t:type="form" t:id="form" name="lgn" class="register_user"
t:autofocus="true" t:clientValidation="false">
                <label for="companyId">Company ID:</label>
                <input t:type="TextField" t:id="companyId" name="companyId"
id="companyId" value="companyId" class="pinclass" size="10" maxlength="10"/>
                <label for="pin">PIN code:</label>
                <input t:type="TextField" t:id="pin" name="pin" id="pin"
value="pin" class="pinclass" size="10" maxlength="7"/>
                <t:linksubmit t:event="sendPin">send PIN</t:linksubmit>
            <input id="submit" type="submit" value="CONTINUE"/>

import org.apache.tapestry5.PersistenceConstants;
import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Log;
import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Persist;
import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Property;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.annotations.Inject;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

 * Start page of application linksubmit.
public class Index {
    private String companyId;

    private String pin;

    private String mode;

    private Logger logger;

    void onSendPin() {
        mode = "sendPin";

    void onValidateForm() {"mode: {}", mode);"companyID: {}, PIN: {}",companyId, pin);
        if(mode != null && mode.equals("sendPin")) {
  "validate companyID only");
            if (companyId == null) {
                logger.error("Company id must not be empty.");
        } else {
  "validate companyID and PIN");
            if (companyId == null && pin == null) {
                logger.error("Company id and pin must not be empty.");



2009/8/19 Borut Bolčina <>

> Hi,
> I am using T 5.0.18 and have problems with LinkSubmit not firing the event.
> By the way, what is the url of T 5.0.18 and its API?
> I have two TextField components, one LinkSubmit and one non-tapestry
> ordinary input submit button.
> I want to set some variable (varA) in case LinkSubmit is clicked, so I can
> validate the TextFields differently. In case LinkSubmit is pressed only
> first TextField is required and in case ordinary submit is pressed, both
> TextFields are required. I want to do a simple if (based on the varA) in the
> onValidate method and set the form.recordError accordingly.
> BUT, the event specified in the LinkSubmit is not triggered so I can not
> set the varA! Can someone please suggest a workaround or a proper solution.
> Thanks,
> Borut
> 2009/5/13 petkovf <>
>> I'm found this problem since in (stable), in LinkSubmit
>> work
>> properly.
>> Linksubmit inside a form didn't fire events while no required property is
>> defined inside the form:
>> if you add
>>        @Property
>>        @Validate("required")
>>        private String somefield;
>> in java and
>> <input t:type="TextField" t:id="somefield"/>
>> in tml
>> your LinkSubmit began event capture
>> This is a huge limitation for the developers, particularly if you want to
>> filter a object (entity) view this behavior doesn't help much.
>> The issue describe
>> somthing
>> similar, but not in this tapestry version ( and is closed in the
>> meantime.
>> --
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