Sebastian: yes I can see the problem of reloading other objets, that's
why I use javarebel by now in this special cases. Answering your
question, I'm developing an open source system, so I don't expect
payment for it, and the tip was for using the trial period a longer
time, I didn't say "don't buy it", that wasn't my idea, thanks

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 5:07 AM, Sebastian
Hennebrueder<> wrote:
> Hello Alfonso,
> it is not only the session, it is any kind of library which has parsed the
> bean for example or any kind of bean having a relation ship to the bean. It
> might be simpler to provide your own reloading mechanism for a complete
> module of the application.
> I am surprised that you publish tips on destroying other people work and
> income. Don't you expect payment for your work as well?
> --
> Best Regards / Viele Grüße
> Sebastian Hennebrueder
> -----
> Software Developer and Trainer for Hibernate / Java Persistence
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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