Pardon me if I am mistaken, but shouldn't .class and .tml files be under
WEB-INF and hence inaccessible automatically?


On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 2:52 AM, martijn.list <>wrote:

> Angelo Chen wrote:
>> how to close access to ".class" and ".tml"?
> This has been posted to the list multiple times so I another time wouldn't
> hurt ;)
> I use the following code to whitelist some assets. Access to non white
> listed assets is denied.
> Add to your application module:
> private static final String[] ASSET_WHITE_LIST = {"jpg", "jpeg", "png",
> "gif", "js", "css", "ico"};
> /*
>  * All the assets that are allowed to be downloaded using the assets
> service (including files without extension and dirs)
>  */
> private static final Set<String> assetsWhitelist =
> Collections.synchronizedSet(
>        new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(ASSET_WHITE_LIST)));
> public void
> contributeHttpServletRequestHandler(OrderedConfiguration<HttpServletRequestFilter>
> configuration,
>        @Inject @Value("${access-denied-page}") final String
> accessDeniedPage)
> {
>    /*
>     * Create a filter that will block access to some assets. The asset
> service allows access to some assets we do
>     * not want to expose. The asset service will show all files in /assets/
> directory and allows you (by default)
>     * to download some files which you do not want to expose.
>     */
>    HttpServletRequestFilter filter = new HttpServletRequestFilter()
>    {
>        public boolean service(HttpServletRequest request,
> HttpServletResponse response, HttpServletRequestHandler handler)
>        throws IOException
>        {
>            String path = request.getServletPath();
>            if (path.startsWith("/assets") && (!assetsWhitelist.contains(
> StringUtils.lowerCase(FilenameUtils.getExtension(path)))))
>            {
>                logger.warn("access to asset " + path + " denied");
>                response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/" +
> accessDeniedPage);
>                return true;
>            }
>            return handler.service(request, response);
>        }
>    };
>    configuration.add("AssetProtectionFilter", filter , "before:*");
> }
>> Sergey Didenko wrote:
>>> BTW, it's worth to remind again everyone who is going to publish their
>>> site urls, to close the access to ".class" and ".tml" files .
>>> On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 6:46 PM, Massimo Lusetti <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 5:27 PM, Thiago H. de Paula
>>>> Figueiredo<> wrote:
>>>>  Hi!
>>>>> I guess this was already discussed some time ago, but I couldn't find
>>>>> it. :(
>>>>> Anyway, it's been a long time, so let's get it started again. ;)
>>>>> Tapestry is a wonderful framework, but it isn't the best known one
>>>>> around.
>>>>> Sometimes, managers ask us to provide some projects/sites/success
>>>>> stories/etc using it so they can be more confident about Tapestry.
>>>>> There's a
>>>>> Success Stories page in the wiki
>>>>> (, but it hasn't had
>>>>> any
>>>>> edit
>>>>> since 2007-10-05.
>>>>> What about sharing your success stories with us, promoting Tapestry
>>>>> (specially T5)? If the project is a public website, please post the URL
>>>>> here. I think we should have a list of Tapestry-powered sites.
>>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> It would be great to have that page more up to date but i remember
>>>> Howard asking for "private" user stories and more then one have
>>>> replied him even personally so i guess if that would make sense too to
>>>> have that stories online.
>>>> Do i remember correctly Howard?
>>>> --
>>>> Massimo
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