Anyone on this, please ?

Hi all.

I've found myself a problem in an application i've developed using T5.1

There's a page, with 2 datefields, ( From / To ), and a Submit.

The Submit button calls the StreamResponse onSuccess() method , returning a CVS file with a list of records.

But i'd like to show a label with the total records output, but it looks likes there's no page refresh , so the total value is not updated.

Any help on this ?


/*** tml ***/

<t:form t:id="exportCDRForm">
                      <td><t:label for="fromDate"/></td>
<td><t:datefield t:id="fromDate" format="dd/MM/yyyy"/></td>
                      <td><t:label for="toDate"/></td>
<td><t:datefield t:id="toDate" format="dd/MM/yyyy"/></td>
<td colspan="2" align="right"><t:submit t:id="createbutton" value="export"/></td>
      <t:if test="total">
<div align="center"><h2>You have exported ${total} transactions</h2></div>

/**** java ****/
private int total;

StreamResponse onSuccess() {

List <HSITransaction> transactionList = theSession.createCriteria(HSITransaction.class)
      .add("transactionDate", fromDate))
      .add(Restrictions.le("transactionDate", toDate))
      total = transactionList.size();
      if (total > 0) {
          try {
              return exportCSV(transactionList);
          } catch (Exception e) {
theForm.recordError("Sorry, there was an error exporting CDR's :"+e.getMessage());
      } else theForm.recordError("Sorry, there was no data to export");
      return null;


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