
Thanks for your quick response. Security checking on the page level is all fine and works great. It is good to see that my implementation overlaps yours a lot. (Difference is that I don't use the setMeta, but check for the annotation in the Dispatcher itself)

I was hoping to be able to actually annotate a component and reject page access based on the most restricting annotated component on the page.

I'll keep trying. any further pointers would be appreciated.


Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo wrote:
Em Tue, 22 Sep 2009 12:09:12 -0300, Joost Schouten (ml) <> escreveu:



I am looking for a way to get a hold of all components Class'es on a page while in a dispatcher. I want to know if any of the components on the page are annotated with my custom @SecuredContent annotation but have no clue how to figure out what components are loaded on a page when I only have access to the page.

I don't know how you would get the component tree.
But, if the annotation was in a page, I would implement a ComponentClassTransformer. This is an example that I hope it gives you a clue:

public class TapestrySecurityWorker implements ComponentClassTransformWorker { public void transform(ClassTransformation transformation, MutableComponentModel model) { if (transformation.getAnnotation(NeedsLoggedInUser.class) != null) { model.setMeta(TapestrySecurityConstants.NEEDS_LOGGED_IN_USER_METADATA_KEY, "true");

The important trick here is the MutableComponentModel.setMeta() method. Then, in a dispatcher, I can check the meta information:

String pageName = extractPageName(request);

if (pageName != null) {

final ComponentModel pageModel = componentModelSource.getPageModel(pageName); final String loggedInMetaValue = pageModel.getMeta(TapestrySecurityConstants.NEEDS_LOGGED_IN_USER_METADATA_KEY);


private String extractPageName(Request request) {

    String pageName = null;

final ComponentEventRequestParameters componentEventParameters = linkEncoder.decodeComponentEventRequest(request);

    if (componentEventParameters != null) {
        pageName = componentEventParameters.getContainingPageName();

    if (pageName == null) {

final PageRenderRequestParameters pageRenderParameters = linkEncoder.decodePageRenderRequest(request);

        if (pageRenderParameters != null) {
            pageName = pageRenderParameters.getLogicalPageName();


    return pageName;


linkEncoder is an instance of the ComponentEventLinkEncoder service.

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