Hi Howard, All

The following sound bites seem to paint a pretty bleak future for Tapestry.

1) "Interestingly, I was busy writing Clojure code almost continuously in
the back row of other speaker's sessions .....I've been busy adapting the
concept of parameter destructuring to pulling data out of the request path
and query parameters." - HLS, today.  Writing what sounds like the
groundwork for a new web application framework, presumably better than

2) "I'm using my improved freedom to pursue other important technologies *
beyond* Tapestry, such as Clojure, Cappuccino, and CouchDB" - HLS, August 27

Despite what appears to be a healthy community, a solid code base and set of
hard working committers I am still inclined to believe that the driving
force  behind the innovation in Tapestry is still you Howard.  In my mind
your move to different technologies signifies a loss of faith in Java and
implies a sense of frustration with the limits of what is possible with T5.

Can anyone set my mind at ease with some real facts about the future of
Tapestry?  I have invested a year or more in learning the framework and
applying what I know to creating a web application with it but as a
developer I need to know that my code won't just be another rewrite waiting
to happen.

The alternative, JSF, may be clunky but at least I can be certain that it
will be around and evolving in 5 years time.



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