
I am newly learning tapestry.

The Rendered rows vanish if I click on the columns (for sorting of
rows).here is the .page file

     - P R O P E R T I E S
  <property name="selections" />
  <property name="currentUser" />
  <inject property="coreContext" object="spring:coreContext"/>
      - C O M P O N E N T S
  <component id="userTable" type="common/Table">
    <binding name="source" value="users"/>
    <binding name="columns" value="literal:*
    <binding name="initialSortColumn" value="literal:lastName"/>
    <binding name="row" value="currentUser"/>
    <binding name="selections" value="selections"/>

I understand that the rows are fetched from getUsers method for the first
time & further clicking on the columns it will sort the rows based on
earlier fetched rows.
What's causing these rows to get lost once feteched into table?

I use tapesty 4.1. In the above page common/Table is custom table component
of type contrib:TableView.

Thanks for your help,

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