I've been taking a little time from my billable projects to continue
working on Cascade. One things that's very important to me is to have
great exception reporting, akin to Tapestry's. Here's a current
snapshot of where I am:

This is very Tapestry-like (I've even borrowed the CSS styles). You can
even see the start of the Request object's properties being displayed.
Something to notice here: Clojure stack frames are in Clojure syntax.
To appreciate this, see what you get when you click the "Display hidden
detail" button:

The exception report view is omitting a lot of clojure.lang internals,
and it is working backwards from the mangled Java class name to the
Clojure namespace and function name. This, plus only displaying the
stack trace for the root exception, makes it much more reasonable to
figure out where problems are actually occurring.
I expect to expand this further, adding a pop-up or hover window to
display Clojure source associated with the stack frame.

Posted By Howard to Tapestry Central at 10/04/2009 12:01:00 PM

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