
Can you send the code of the 'CreateAgeProfile' page ?

For the meantime a good thing (if you have not already done it) would be to
check your classpath to verify that there is not multiple tapestry jar
versions, and verify that your javassist jar is conformed to the one used by
Tapestry 5 -> 3.9.0.GA


2009/10/28 Erick Erickson <erickerick...@gmail.com>

> Really sorry for the fragmentary e-mails. I mis-typed the e-mail for the
> main post, posted an addendum, then
> saw this post had been bounced. Ignore my other e-mail. Honest,
> occasionally
> I'm competent....
> The end of the email is a partial stack trace that I'm pretty sure is
> corresponds to this error.
> I'm using Tapestry, running in Tomcat.
> The problems are:
> 1> it's intermittent
> 2> I can't reproduce it at will, even when it's just happened to her.
> 3> She only sees it when using IE 7, but since it's intermittent that's not
> necessarily required.
> 4> The server gets bounced every night when we put up the nightly build,
> and
> this has happened Monday and Wednesday, but not Tuesday.
> I'm looking for any suggestions for approaches to tracking this down,
> particularly if there's some help I can get from Tapestry logging or our
> app
> loggin etc. I'd really like to have some other resolution than making
> random
> changes until the problem goes away, perhaps permanently <G>....
> Several notes about this trace:
> 1> there's a *LOT* more. I'll be glad to post it if it'll help.
> 2> mystuff/CreateAgeProfile] is in our code, but line 84 is just a blank
> line near the beginning of the class. It's possible that the source code
> I'm
> looking is a few hours out of date, but according to our process and SVN it
> shouldn't be.
> 3> The lines in the trace from SKSModuleServices are below, line 178 is in
> yellow. They're part of a contributeMarkupRenderer method.....
>                environment.push(ValidationDecorator.class,
>                        new InlineSksValidationDecorator(environment,
> writer,
>                                spacerImage, false));
>                renderer.renderMarkup(writer); // line 178
>                environment.pop(ValidationDecorator.class);
> 4> I had a partial stack trace Monday that *might* have implicated a number
> format exception, but there's no trace of that today. Additionally, that
> trace *might* have implicated long->int conversion.
> 5> I really hate intermittent problems like this <G>.....
> Thanks
> Erick
> ERROR [2009-10-28 12:03:19,515] rocessor1 (            Registry:75  ) - No
> service implements the interface [B.
> ERROR [2009-10-28 12:03:19,516] rocessor1 (            Registry:76  ) -
> Operations trace:
> ERROR [2009-10-28 12:03:19,516] rocessor1 (            Registry:85  ) - [
> 1]
> Autobuilding instance of class java.lang.String
> ERROR [2009-10-28 12:03:19,517] rocessor1 (            Registry:85  ) - [
> 2]
> Determining injection value for parameter #1 (byte[])
> ERROR [2009-10-28 12:03:19,517] rocessor1 (            Registry:85  ) - [
> 3]
> Resolving object of type byte[] using MasterObjectProvider
> ERROR [2009-10-28 12:03:19,518] rocessor1 (    CreateAgeProfile:84  ) -
> Render queue error in BeginRender[mystuff/CreateAgeProfile]: Error invoking
> constructor java.lang.String(byte[], int, int, int) (at String.java:338)
> (for service 'ApplicationStateManager'): No service implements the
> interface
> [B.
> org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.TapestryException: Error invoking
> constructor java.lang.String(byte[], int, int, int) (at String.java:338)
> (for service 'ApplicationStateManager'): No service implements the
> interface
> [B.
> at
> org.apache.tapestry5.internal.structure.ComponentPageElementImpl.invoke(ComponentPageElementImpl.java:948)
> at
> org.apache.tapestry5.internal.structure.ComponentPageElementImpl.access$400(ComponentPageElementImpl.java:49)
> at
> org.apache.tapestry5.internal.structure.ComponentPageElementImpl$AbstractPhase.callback(ComponentPageElementImpl.java:159)
> at
> org.apache.tapestry5.internal.structure.ComponentPageElementImpl$BeginRenderPhase.render(ComponentPageElementImpl.java:211)
> at
> org.apache.tapestry5.internal.services.RenderQueueImpl.run(RenderQueueImpl.java:74)
> at
> org.apache.tapestry5.internal.services.PageRenderQueueImpl.render(PageRenderQueueImpl.java:121)
> at $PageRenderQueue_1249923d08b.render($PageRenderQueue_1249923d08b.java)
> at $PageRenderQueue_1249923d083.render($PageRenderQueue_1249923d083.java)
> at
> org.apache.tapestry5.internal.services.MarkupRendererTerminator.renderMarkup(MarkupRendererTerminator.java:37)
> at
> com.proquest.apps.sks.services.SKSModuleServices$1.renderMarkup(SKSModuleServices.java:178)
> at
> $MarkupRenderer_1249923d08d.renderMarkup($MarkupRenderer_1249923d08d.java)
> at
> org.apache.tapestry5.services.TapestryModule$27.renderMarkup(TapestryModule.java:1748)
> at
> $MarkupRenderer_1249923d08d.renderMarkup($MarkupRenderer_1249923d08d.java)
> at
> org.apache.tapestry5.services.TapestryModule$26.renderMarkup(TapestryModule.java:1732)
> at
> $MarkupRenderer_1249923d08d.renderMarkup($MarkupRenderer_1249923d08d.java)
> at
> org.apache.tapestry5.services.TapestryModule$25.renderMarkup(TapestryModule.java:1714)
> at
> $MarkupRenderer_1249923d08d.renderMarkup($MarkupRenderer_1249923d08d.java)
> at
> org.apache.tapestry5.services.TapestryModule$24.renderMarkup(TapestryModule.java:1700)
> at
> $MarkupRenderer_1249923d08d.renderMarkup($MarkupRenderer_1249923d08d.java)
> at
> org.apache.tapestry5.services.TapestryModule$23.renderMarkup(TapestryModule.java:1681)
> at
> $MarkupRenderer_1249923d08d.renderMarkup($MarkupRenderer_1249923d08d.java)

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