> I beg to differ. The framework itself does not use the session. If you're
> using an onActivate()/onPassivate() method pair, you don't need to persist
> the corresponding fields.

ActionLink and EventLink preserve the page context as long as you provide it
> to the context parameter.

After your post I made a small example again and this time it started to
work without any passing context values to component or persisting context
at page's level. I really dont know why I had so strange behaviours before
and cannot reproduce them...... maybe I misspelled the onPasivate  .... or
something I really cant tell now. maybe I spent to much time on that before
and was to tired to see the bug.....

anyway it works as it should be and how I wanted :) it to work so please
accept my apologise about all bad things I said about framework :-) now it
rocks ;] and I am really happy that finally I got the thing

Paweł Kamiński


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