Your DBConnect object is probably not in one of the tapestry controlled packages and thus inject doesn't work. You can inject the Session directly into your page, or turn your DBConnect object into a tapestry service by adding it to the services package, and changing the Session into a constructor argument.

Hope this helps,

Ashwanth Kumar wrote:

I've a problem. I'm using a page which has an actionlink like this:

<a t:type="actionlink" t:id="alid">Link Text</a>

And i've an @OnEvent handler in my Page Class, as follows:

void function() {
 DBConnect db = new DBConnect();

Till, this i've no problem. I've an object called DBConnect which has the
class as follows:

public class DBConnect {
 Session _session;

 public String getLine() {
*  List _news = _session.createCriteria(RNews.class).list();*
  return _news.getText();

When i run the actionlink, i get an NullPointer Exception at the bolder line
above (at the _session.createCriteria(RNews.class).list()).. Why does this
happen? Isn't this mean, @Inject is not working, hence the _session is not

 - Ashwanth Kumar

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