Andreas, thanks.  About my HTML template here it is (not sure what you
mean with border).
The homelogged user include a barCode component, that has its own html.

Andreas Andreou ha scritto:
> Last, i'm not sure how you've managed to get 2 <html> tags in the same
> page! Perhaps if you can show a minimal example of your page + border
> component we could help...
> On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 18:49, Ivano Luberti <> wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I'm trying to use javascript with Tapestry 4.1.6 and I'm stumbling at
>> the very first steps.
>> First of all I see that whenever a form component is specified in the
>> template Tapestry put a script at the end of the generated html that set
>> the focus on the first control of the form. If I try to put my specific
>> function to give focus to a control of my choice, the automatically
>> generated script is put as the last statement hence overruling my script.
>> Secondly (I need a log introduction) I have used the example given in
>> to give focus to a control of my choice, but it fails: the problem is
>> that when executed
>> function setFocus() {
>>  var inputField = document.barCodeForm_0.barCode;
>>  if (inputField.type != "hidden") {
>>  if (inputField.disabled != true) {
>>  inputField.focus();
>>  }
>>  } else {
>>  window.alert('InputFocus.script cannot set focus on a hidden field');
>>  }
>> }
>> I debugged it using firebug and it seems then document.barCodeForm_0 is
>> undefined.
>> Actually looking at the generated html , barCodeForm_0 is there.
>> But the html as a whole is a little weird. I attach it to the end of
>> this message: the point is that html tag is closed and reopened several
>> times.  I'm not enough javascript expert to understand if this is could
>> cause my problem but looks anyeay bad to me.
>> Here is my question: I had read that T416 templates have to be well
>> formed HTML files but looking at the Tapestry Bench application I see
>> that html templates don't include <html>, <head> and <body> tags.
>> May I include them ?
>> -----------------generated html--------------------------
>> <html>
>> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" 
>> "";>
>> <!-- Application: app -->
>> <!-- Page: HomeLoggedUser -->
>> <!-- Generated: Mon Jan 04 15:54:56 CET 2010 -->
>> <html>
>> <head>
>> <meta name="generator" content="Tapestry Application Framework, version 
>> 4.1.6-SNAPSHOT" />
>> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
>> <title>Home Guide</title>
>> <script type="text/javascript">djConfig = 
>> {"baseRelativePath":"/METGestioneIngressi/app?service=asset&path=%2Fdojo-0.4.3-custom-4.1.6%2F","preventBackButtonFix":false,"parseWidgets":false,"locale":"it-it"}
>>  </script>
>> <script type="text/javascript" 
>> src="/METGestioneIngressi/app?service=asset&path=%2Fdojo-0.4.3-custom-4.1.6%2Fdojo.js
>> <view-source:http://localhost:8081/METGestioneIngressi/app?service=asset&path=%2Fdojo-0.4.3-custom-4.1.6%2Fdojo.js>"></script><script
>>  type="text/javascript" 
>> src="/METGestioneIngressi/app?service=asset&path=%2Fdojo-0.4.3-custom-4.1.6%2Fdojo2.js
>> <view-source:http://localhost:8081/METGestioneIngressi/app?service=asset&path=%2Fdojo-0.4.3-custom-4.1.6%2Fdojo2.js>"></script>
>> <script type="text/javascript">
>> dojo.registerModulePath("tapestry", 
>> "/METGestioneIngressi/app?service=asset&path=%2Ftapestry-4.1.6%2F");
>> </script>
>> <script type="text/javascript" 
>> src="/METGestioneIngressi/app?service=asset&path=%2Ftapestry-4.1.6%2Fcore.js 
>> <view-source:http://localhost:8081/METGestioneIngressi/app?service=asset&path=%2Ftapestry-4.1.6%2Fcore.js>"></script>
>> <script type="text/javascript">
>> dojo.require("tapestry.namespace");
>> tapestry.requestEncoding='UTF-8';
>> </script>
>> </head>
>> <title>MET Online</title>
>> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
>> <link href="css/stile_palmare.css 
>> <view-source:http://localhost:8081/METGestioneIngressi/css/stile_palmare.css>"
>>  rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
>> </html>
>> <!-- Render time: ~ 172 ms -->
>> <body id="tapBody">
>> <script type="text/javascript"><!--
>> function setFocus() {
>>    var inputField = document.barCodeForm_0.barCode;
>>    if (inputField.type != "hidden") {
>>        if (inputField.disabled != true) {
>>            inputField.focus();
>>        }
>>    } else {
>>         window.alert('InputFocus.script cannot set focus on a hidden field');
>>    }
>> }
>> // --></script>
>>        <div id="container">
>>                <h1>Battistero</h1>
>>  <html>
>> <head>
>> <title>MET Online</title>
>> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
>> <link href="css/stile_palmare.css 
>> <view-source:http://localhost:8081/METGestioneIngressi/css/stile_palmare.css>"
>>  rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
>> </head>
>> <body>
>>    <div id="box_operazione">
>>        <h1>Lettura BarCode</h1>
>>                <br />
>>                <h2>passare il barcode sotto il lettore ottico</h2>
>>    <form method="post" action="/METGestioneIngressi/app" id="barCodeForm_0">
>> <div style="display:none;" id="barCodeForm_0hidden"><input type="hidden" 
>> name="formids" value="barCode" />
>> <input type="hidden" name="seedids" 
>> value="BrO0ABXdtAGssc2VydmljZSQwLHBhZ2UkMCxjb21wb25lbnQkMCxjb250YWluZXIkMCxzZXNzaW9uJDAsc3AkMCx0YXBTaGVsbCQwLHRhcEJvZHkkMCxub21lTW9udW1lbnRvJDAsYmFyQ29kZUZvcm0kMQ=="
>>  />
>> <input type="hidden" name="component" value="barCodeForm.barCodeForm" />
>> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="HomeLoggedUser" />
>> <input type="hidden" name="service" value="direct" />
>> <input type="hidden" name="session" value="T" />
>> <input type="hidden" name="submitmode" value="" />
>> <input type="hidden" name="submitname" value="" />
>> </div>
>>                <input type="text" name="barCode" value="" id="barCode" 
>> class="text_box" />
>>                <br /><br />
>>        <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" class="bottone">
>>        </form>
>>   </div>
>> </body>
>> </html>
>>        <div id="box_logout">
>> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
>>        <tbody>
>>                <tr>
>>          <td id="submenu" class="submenu-act">
>>                &nbsp;<a id="linklogout" 
>> href="/METGestioneIngressi/app?component=menu.linklogout&amp;page=HomeLoggedUser&amp;service=direct&amp;session=T
>> <view-source:http://localhost:8081/METGestioneIngressi/app?component=menu.linklogout&page=HomeLoggedUser&service=direct&session=T>">LogOut</a>&nbsp;
>>          </td>
>>                </tr>
>>        </tbody>
>> </table>
>>        </div>
>> </div>
>> <script type="text/javascript"><!--
>> tapestry.addOnLoad(function(e) {
>> dojo.require("tapestry.form");tapestry.form.registerForm("barCodeForm_0");
>> setFocus();
>> tapestry.form.focusField('barCode');});
>> // --></script></body>
>> </html>
>> --
>> ==================================================
>> dott. Ivano Mario Luberti
>> Archimede Informatica societa' cooperativa a r. l.
>> Sede Operativa
>> Via Gereschi 36 - 56126- Pisa
>> tel.: +39-050- 580959
>> tel/fax: +39-050-9711344
>> web:
>> ==================================================
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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dott. Ivano Mario Luberti
Archimede Informatica societa' cooperativa a r. l.
Sede Operativa
Via Gereschi 36 - 56126- Pisa
tel.: +39-050- 580959
tel/fax: +39-050-9711344

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