Going from memory when I debugged earlier this morning : I definitely saw
and traced the objects marked w/ ForComponents going into the store.
However, when I was rendering the page, I don't think there were any calls
to get them out and inject them into the component. I definitely saw the
code inspecting the test class for @Inject annotations to inject services
into the test case.

   I'll do another debug run again tonight. The test case that I have is
pretty straightforward, so I should be able to zip up an example.


Alex K

On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 1:48 PM, Paul Field <paul.fi...@db.com> wrote:

> Odd - it looks like the @ForComponents objects should be created and
> collected (because setup/doSetUp are called); it looks like the
> setup/teardown methods are called in the right way (from the call trace in
> your other email). I'm having trouble seeing what's wrong.
> At this point I would probably reach for a debugger... If you can simplify
> the project to something you wouldn't mind zipping up and sending to me
> I'll be happy to take a look.
> If you want to have a go yourself, then put breakpoints on the methods of
> SimpleObjectsForComponentStore - which is the service that stores the
> objects that you specify with @ForComponents so you can see objects being
> stored and requested. Also put a breakpoint in ThreadLocalPerTestDataStore
> #cleanup() so you can see when the test ends and the data is dropped from
> the SimpleObjectsForComponentsStore.
> The sequence should be:
> Data collected from @ForComponents  -  calls to
> SimpleObjectsForComponentStore#put()
> Page rendering, @Inject fields accessed -  calls to
> SimpleObjectsForComponentStore#get()
> Test complete, tearDown() called - call to ThreadLocalPerTestDataStore
> #cleanup()
> As well as checking the sequence is correct, you can see what is in the
> store when get is being called (and what is being requested).
> - Paul
> akochnev <akoch...@gmail.com> wrote on 29/01/2010 13:33:00:
> >
> > Paul,
> >    thanks for the quick response. Now, down the checklist :
> >
> > 1. I am extending from the testng version of the class:
> > package com.troymaxventures.zadachite.pagetestsupport;
> >
> >
> >
> > import com.formos.tapestry.testify.core.TapestryTester;
> > import com.formos.tapestry.testify.testng.TapestryTest;
> >
> > public abstract class AbstractZdTapTest extends TapestryTest {
> >     private static final TapestryTester SHARED_TESTER = new
> > TapestryTester("foo", ZdTestAppModule.class);
> >
> >     public AbstractZdTapTest() {
> >         super(SHARED_TESTER);
> >     }
> > }
> >
> > 2. doSetUp() is indeed being called, I added a breakpoint and a println
> :
> >
> >    @Override
> >    protected void doSetUp() {
> >        userRepo = EasyMock.createMock(UserRepository.class);
> >        System.out.println("The doSetUp() is called by TestNG");
> >    }
> >
> > The doSetUp() is called by TestNG
> > Tests run: 2, Failures: 2, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 5.051
> sec
> > <<< FAILURE!
> >
> > 3. The testng config file :
> > I run the test from Maven, this is the suite file that gets generated :
> > <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd";>
> > <suite thread-count="5" skipfailedinvocationCounts="false" verbose="0"
> > name="Failed suite [Command line suite]" junit="false"
> annotations="JDK">
> >   <test name="Command line test(failed)" junit="false"
> annotations="JDK">
> >     <classes>
> >       <class
> name="com.troymaxventures.zadachite.pagetests.StupidPageTest">
> >         <methods>
> >           <include name="processInjectAnnotation"/>
> >           <include name="testElementIsOnPage"/>
> >           <include name="tearDown"/>
> >           <include name="testStupidPageUnitTest"/>
> >           <include name="setUp"/>
> >         </methods>
> >       </class>
> >     </classes>
> >   </test>
> > </suite>
> >
> > 4. I added an extra test where I explicitly use the pageTester to try to
> > inject the dependencies into my page. When I specify a totally bogus
> package
> > name ( so that Testify doesn't pick up the AppModule from my app), the
> test
> > fails w/ an error that it can't find my page (understandable, as I had
> the
> > bogus package name, so it can't find the page) when I render the page
> using
> > the tester; however, when I try to inject the dependencies directly into
> the
> > object instance, it fails that there is no instance of UserRepository .
> When
> > I include the full package name (so that testify picks up the
> AppModule),
> > the injectInto populates the service from the AppModule and not with the
> > implementation that I provide in the test. When I use the
> > tester.renderPage("stupid") and debug the page, I see nulls set on all
> the
> > services (e.g. in my example, userRepo is null), and I also see non-null
> > values in some mangled names in the class (e.g. something like
> > _$nonTestUserRepo)
> >
> >
> >
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Test set: TestSuite
> >
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Tests run: 2, Failures: 2, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 5.052
> sec
> > <<< FAILURE!
> >
> testElementIsOnPage(com.troymaxventures.zadachite.pagetests.StupidPageTest)
> > Time elapsed: 0.966 sec  <<< FAILURE!
> > java.lang.RuntimeException: Request was not handled: 'stupid' may not be
> a
> > valid page name.
> >         at
> > org.apache.tapestry5.test.PageTester.renderPage(PageTester.java:177)
> >         at
> > com.troymaxventures.zadachite.pagetests.StupidPageTest.
> > testElementIsOnPage(StupidPageTest.java:40)
> >
> > testStupidPageUnitTest(com.troymaxventures.zadachite.pagetests.
> > StupidPageTest)
> > Time elapsed: 0.01 sec  <<< FAILURE!
> > java.lang.RuntimeException: No service implements the interface
> > com.troymaxventures.zadachite.services.UserRepository.
> >         at
> > org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.RegistryImpl.
> > getService(RegistryImpl.java:575)
> >         at
> > org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.RegistryWrapper.
> > getService(RegistryWrapper.java:58)
> >         at
> > org.apache.tapestry5.test.PageTester.getService(PageTester.java:154)
> >         at
> > com.formos.tapestry.testify.core.TapestryTester$FieldInjector.
> > process(TapestryTester.java:125)
> >         at
> > com.formos.tapestry.testify.core.TapestryTester.
> > processField(TapestryTester.java:106)
> >         at
> > com.formos.tapestry.testify.core.TapestryTester.
> > processFieldsAnnotatedWith(TapestryTester.java:96)
> >         at
> > com.formos.tapestry.testify.core.TapestryTester.
> > injectInto(TapestryTester.java:74)
> >         at
> > com.troymaxventures.zadachite.pagetests.StupidPageTest.
> > testStupidPageUnitTest(StupidPageTest.java:53)
> >
> > The superclass w/ a bogus package name:
> > import com.formos.tapestry.testify.core.TapestryTester;
> > import com.formos.tapestry.testify.testng.TapestryTest;
> >
> > public abstract class AbstractZdTapTest extends TapestryTest {
> >     private static final TapestryTester SHARED_TESTER = new
> > TapestryTester("foo", ZdTestAppModule.class);
> >
> >     public AbstractZdTapTest() {
> >         super(SHARED_TESTER);
> >     }
> > }
> >
> > import com.formos.tapestry.testify.core.ForComponents;
> > import com.troymaxventures.zadachite.model.EmailAddress;
> > import com.troymaxventures.zadachite.model.UserRegistration;
> > import com.troymaxventures.zadachite.model.ZdUser;
> > import com.troymaxventures.zadachite.pages.Stupid;
> > import com.troymaxventures.zadachite.pagetestsupport.AbstractZdTapTest;
> > import com.troymaxventures.zadachite.services.UserRepository;
> > import org.apache.tapestry5.dom.Document;
> > import org.easymock.EasyMock;
> > import org.testng.Assert;
> > import org.testng.annotations.Test;
> > import static org.easymock.EasyMock.*;
> >
> > /**
> >  *
> >  * @author polrtex
> >  */
> > public class StupidPageTest extends AbstractZdTapTest {
> >    @ForComponents
> >    UserRepository userRepo;
> >
> >
> >    @Override
> >    protected void doSetUp() {
> >        userRepo = EasyMock.createMock(UserRepository.class);
> >        System.out.println("The doSetUp() is called by TestNG");
> >    }
> >
> >
> >    @Test
> >    public void testElementIsOnPage()  throws Exception {
> >
> > expect(userRepo.userRegistered((EmailAddress)anyObject())).
> > andStubReturn(Boolean.FALSE);
> >        ZdUser testUser = new ZdUser(new EmailAddress("f...@bar.com"));
> >
> > expect(userRepo.registerUser(isA(UserRegistration.class))).
> > andStubReturn(testUser);
> >
> >        replay(userRepo);
> >
> >        Document page = tester.renderPage("stupid");
> >        Assert.assertTrue(page.toString().contains("I should be empty"));
> >    }
> >
> >    @Test
> >    public void testStupidPageUnitTest()  throws Exception {
> >
> > expect(userRepo.userRegistered((EmailAddress)anyObject())).
> > andStubReturn(Boolean.FALSE);
> >        ZdUser testUser = new ZdUser(new EmailAddress("f...@bar.com"));
> >
> > expect(userRepo.registerUser(isA(UserRegistration.class))).
> > andStubReturn(testUser);
> >
> >        replay(userRepo);
> >
> >        Stupid s = new Stupid();
> >        // when I have a bogus package name,  this fails w/ a message
> that
> > there are no UserRepository-ies to inject
> >        tester.injectInto(s);
> >        s.setupRender();
> >
> >    }
> > }
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Paul Field-4 wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > The next thing is probably to check that the various setup methods are
> > > being called. Can you put a print statement into doSetUp() and check
> it's
> > > actually being called? This will let us see whether the setup isn't
> being
> > > called, or the @ForComponents processing isn't working properly. I
> suspect
> > > the doSetUp()isn't being called and that's going to be a TestNG thing:
> it
> > > should be calling TapestryTest#setUp() method... Can you check the
> TestNG
> > > output reports - I seem to remember that one of them outputs the
> sequence
> > > of setup methods and tests? If you're still stuck can you also send
> the
> > > testng configuration (xml) file?
> > >
> > > Let me know what you find.
> > >
> > > - Paul
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > akochnev <akoch...@gmail.com> wrote on 29/01/2010 11:24:01:
> > >
> > >>
> > >> I'm running into trouble with using services declared inside of a
> > > Testify
> > >> TestNG test case with @ForComponents into my pages - when I ask the
> > > tester
> > >> to render a page, the services that were supposed to be injected, are
> > > null.
> > >> Any tips on what I'm doing wrong ?
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> Here is the sample code:
> > >>
> > >> public class StupidPageTest extends AbstractZdTapTest {
> > >>    @ForComponents
> > >>    private UserRepository userRepo;
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>    @Override
> > >>    protected void doSetUp() {
> > >>        userRepo = EasyMock.createMock(UserRepository.class);
> > >>    }
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>    @Test
> > >>    public void testElementIsOnPage()  throws Exception {
> > >>
> > >> expect(userRepo.userRegistered((EmailAddress)anyObject())).
> > >> andStubReturn(Boolean.FALSE);
> > >>        ZdUser testUser = new ZdUser(new
> EmailAddress("f...@bar.com"));;
> > >>
> > >> expect(userRepo.registerUser(isA(UserRegistration.class))).
> > >> andStubReturn(testUser);
> > >>        replay(userRepo);
> > >>        Document page = tester.renderPage("stupid");
> > >>        System.out.println("Rendered page: " + page.toString());
> > >>
> > >>    }
> > >> }
> > >>
> > >> public abstract class AbstractZdTapTest extends TapestryTest {
> > >>     private static final TapestryTester SHARED_TESTER = new
> > >> TapestryTester("com.troymaxventures.zadachite",
> > >> ZdTestAppModule.class,AppModule.class);
> > >>
> > >>     public AbstractZdTapTest() {
> > >>         super(SHARED_TESTER);
> > >>     }
> > >> }
> > >>
> > >> public abstract class AbstractZdTapTest extends TapestryTest {
> > >>     private static final TapestryTester SHARED_TESTER = new
> > >> TapestryTester("com.troymaxventures.zadachite",
> ZdTestAppModule.class);
> > >>
> > >>     public AbstractZdTapTest() {
> > >>         super(SHARED_TESTER);
> > >>     }
> > >> }
> > >>
> > >> public class ZdTestAppModule {
> > >>
> > >>     /**
> > >>      * Ensure that there are valid HTTP request/response objects in
> the
> > >>     test, otherwise the ACEGI integration tends to blow up.
> > >>      */
> > >>     public static void
> > >> contributeRequestHandler(OrderedConfiguration<RequestFilter> config,
> > > final
> > >> RequestGlobals requestGlobals) {
> > >>         RequestFilter filter = new RequestFilter() {
> > >>
> > >>             @Override
> > >>             public boolean service(Request request, Response
> response,
> > >>                     RequestHandler handler) throws IOException {
> > >>
> > >> requestGlobals.storeServletRequestResponse(EasyMock.
> > >> createMock(HttpServletRequest.class),
> > >> EasyMock.createMock(HttpServletResponse.class));
> > >>                 return handler.service(request, response);
> > >>             }
> > >>         };
> > >>         config.add("EnsureNonNullHttpRequestAndResponse", filter,
> > >>                 "before:*");
> > >>     }
> > >> }
> > >>
> > >> public class Stupid {
> > >>     @Inject
> > >>     private UserRepository userRepo;
> > >>     void setupRender() throws StorageException {
> > >>      // the userRepo is null here during the test
> > >>             userRepo.getUser(new EmailAddress("f...@bar.com"));
> > >>     }
> > >> }
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> --
> > >> View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/TestNG---
> > >> Injecting-Testify-services-into-pages-tp27370621p27370621.html
> > >> Sent from the Tapestry - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >> To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@tapestry.apache.org
> > >> For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@tapestry.apache.org
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ---
> > >
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> > > additional EU corporate and regulatory disclosures.
> > >
> >
> > --
> > View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/TestNG---
> > Injecting-Testify-services-into-pages-tp27370621p27371994.html
> > Sent from the Tapestry - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> >
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