
thanks for looking at this, it really helps me. I think that I found place where is forForm changed to wrong value, let me describe it:

It seems that LinkImpl is correctly created in ComponentEventLinkEncoderImpl at 194 with forForm=true. Next is ComponentEventLinkEncoderMethodAdvice#advice called. There is created "fakeRequest". This "fakeRequest" is then passed through all registered URLRewriterRule implementations and rewrited request is returned. If "fakeRequest" and rewritten request are not same then LinkImpl is rewritten. This is the place where is the problem, LinkImpl rewriting code is:

           newLink = new LinkImpl(newUrl, false, false, response, null);

so the rewritten link have always forForm=false. And this is the problem.

I'll try change implementation of ComponentEventLinkEncoderMethodAdvice, it seems to me that it could help. I don't fully understand T5 so I don't know if it's bug or not. What do you think?



Josh Canfield wrote:
I should add that

SimpleRequestWrapper fakeRequest = new SimpleRequestWrapper(request,

comes from ComponentEventLinkEncoderMethodAdvice#rewriteIfNeeded

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 9:20 PM, Josh Canfield <joshcanfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
Ok, I found the problem.
The form action is created like so:
void beginRender(MarkupWriter writer)
       Link link =
resources.createFormEventLink(EventConstants.ACTION, context);

It then pulls the query parameters from the link and sticks them into
hidden fields. The problem is that when you rewrite a url the first
thing it does is converts the link toAbsoluteURI

SimpleRequestWrapper fakeRequest = new SimpleRequestWrapper(request,

which drops the containing the page context (t:ac) because it's in the
links parameters, and the link is for a form.
From LinkImpl:
private String buildURI()
       if (forForm || parameters == null)
           return absoluteURI;

So, the form is built without the page context...

Seems mildly suspicious that the link knows it's for a form. The
javadoc says: "Query parameters are never added to a forForm link."
But I'm not coming up with a good reason why... if the form want's to
treat the query params special then shouldn't it strip them off?


On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 5:45 AM, Jan Jirout <jir...@coroptis.com> wrote:

This is really code that I'm running. I really hope that I'm not wrong about
that. Code that I posted shouldn't affected result of filter. I'm using
tapestry version I added simple project demonstrating the problem.

In attachment is example application demonstrating that SimpleRequestWrapper
in my case somehow change the request.

Let me closely describe used use case. I have component Discussion, this
discussion is used at different king of pages. In object Discussion there
should be inject object implementing ActionRemote. When user submit new
comment is called ActionRemote.onAction(CommentForm form). Injecting of
concrete ActionRemote implementation is done in main page (User) during
executing onActivate phase.

In attached example, there are two ways how to demonstrate problem:
   * start application by "mvn jetty:run" and then access User page and
submit filled form. And you'll see exception saying that page context is
   * try to run test case UserTest.testSubmitForm() and you'll see same

I hope, that attached example will works in yours environment. Please try to
look at my example, it's possible that I doing something wrong.


Josh Canfield wrote:
I tried to use following code:

  public Request process(Request request, URLRewriteContext context) {
          return new SimpleRequestWrapper(request, request.getPath());

When I use this code then context of component event is even lost. I
find way how to create SimpleRequestWrapper with component even context.

This is surprising. I hate to ask, but are you really sure this is the
code that is running? What you have here should be the equivalent to
doing nothing. What version of tapestry are you using?


On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 2:56 PM, Jan Jirout <jir...@coroptis.com> wrote:


thanks for answer.

In my real application I change just pieces of path but it didn't work.

I tried to use following code:

  public Request process(Request request, URLRewriteContext context) {
          return new SimpleRequestWrapper(request, request.getPath());

When I use this code then context of component event is even lost. I
find way how to create SimpleRequestWrapper with component even context.

Just in case when I call "return request;" from "process" method is
component event context correctly passed.

If you would like to see example application I can send it to conference.



Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo wrote:

On Sat, 30 Jan 2010 19:58:34 -0200, Jan Jirout <jir...@coroptis.com>

Hi All,


I have strange problem with URL rewriting. I'm changing path name in
URLRewriterRule. In following way:

    public Request process(Request request, URLRewriteContext context)
            return new SimpleRequestWrapper(request, "somePath");

The above rule rewrites *all* URLs to "somePath", losing any context or
query parameters. You should use string manipulation to extract the
page name and then replace it with the new page name.

If a request to "/original/1 arrives", your should rewrite it to
You can use path.replace("/original/", "/new/") to do that, for example.

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