Is there a good reason not to enhance t:Label to do this? How can I help to get this implemented (in case I am not the only one who thinks this would be a good idea)?

Hi Christoph,

one solution could be, to override the whole ComponentDefaultProvider . You could use the implementation, which comes with the tapestry source and modify the method defaultLabel to the following:

public String defaultLabel(ComponentResources resources)
        Defense.notNull(resources, "resources");

        String componentId = resources.getId();
        String key = componentId + "-label";

Messages containerMessages = resources.getContainerResources().getMessages();

if (containerMessages.contains(key)) return containerMessages.get(key);
       \\Try without -label
if (containerMessages.contains(componentId)) return containerMessages.get(componentId);
        return TapestryInternalUtils.toUserPresentable(componentId);

then you have to contribute this method in you appmodule:

public static void contributeComponentDefaultProvider(MappedConfiguration<Class,Object> config){ config.add(ComponentDefaultProvider.class, MyComponentDefaultProviderImpl());

Sorry for not testing this, but have to go to bed now ;)


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