Joost, thanks for your help.


On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 8:27 PM, Joost Schouten (ml)

> You can listen for the validation events on the individual form elements of
> your component.
> eg:
> @Enviromental
> private ValidationTracker validationTracker;
> @OnEvent(component = "myFormField", value = EventConstants.VALIDATE)
> private void validateFormField(Object valueAboutToBeSet) {
>   //do your validation and record errors where needed with the
> validationTracker
> }
> Hope this helps,
> Joost
> Michael Prescott wrote:
>> I have a component which is a wrapper around some form fields.  (Imagine
>> an
>> 'edit address' component.)
>> If I want to provide some custom validation, is there a way to listen to
>> the
>> enclosing form's validation event?  The problem is that the form is
>> defined
>> in the page, not in my component. Right now, the page catches the
>> validation
>> event and then calls a validate(Form form) method on my component.
>> But I'm wondering if there's a way to have my component do this
>> automatically, so that future users won't have to remember to hook this
>> up.
>> (Plus, the page's validation event handler does nothing else, so it's
>> kinda
>> silly.)
>> Any tips greatly appreciated!
>> Michael
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