thx for your immediate response, but its still not clear for me how this works...

"You can create the URL for this to pass to your SSO system."

where can I pass the URL which leads to the Twitter website for requesting authentication params? would be enormous help if you could provide some short code snipped using the mentioned "ComponentResources" and "ComponentEventCallback". unfortunately I find nothing which could lighten my mind in the tapestry books I use (Tapestry 5, Igor Drobiazko)

Am 25.03.2010 19:16, schrieb Howard Lewis Ship:
What you are describing is a callback; using ComponentResources you
can generate a component event callback to a particular page, or
component within a page. You can create the URL for this to pass to
your SSO system. This is the same technique used in Ajax support to
allow the client to trigger server-side behaviors.

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 11:10 AM, Manuel Riegler
<>  wrote:
hi everybody,

I am developing a webapplication using tapestry 5 and I try to implement
twitter single sign on (SSO with OAuth).
I already implemented that process in a former project with a .jsp. The .jsp
redirected to twitter, and twitter had the .jsp as callback, soo the .jsp
handled also the received parameters from twitter. so in the .jsp it wasn´t
a problem since the java code gets executed everytime the page (.jsp) is

my question is, how can I provide this behaviour in tapestry? how is it
possible that a fragment of java code of a tapestry page is executed
everytime the pages gets called?
@SetupRender does that, but needs "void" or "boolean" as return type, since
I can not navigate to an other page from there. also onActivate() isnt a
solution, since it is invoked only once at page initialization and NOT when
a callback from external returns.

I hope someone can give me some hints!
big THANKS in advance,
best regards,

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