Just to show the example cleaner...

<div t:id="updateZone" t:type="zone">

<t:form ... />
        <!-- The nested combo that refresh the "cities" combo by the 
"ZoneUpdater" mixin-->
        <!-- The combo which it's content it's updated by the change of the 
Country combo -->
        <t:label ... />
        <t:textfield id="name" ... />

<div t:id="updateZone" t:type="zone">

So, since everything is inside the "updateZone" combo, every field is refreshed 
and lost their values.


- Everton

De: Everton Agner <everton_ag...@yahoo.com.br>
Para: Tapestry Users <users@tapestry.apache.org>
Enviadas: Terça-feira, 30 de Março de 2010 16:39:37
Assunto: [T5.1] Best approach to Nested Combos on Forms


I'd like to know which is the cleaner way to work with nesting on Forms on T5.

I saw a project with the ZoneUpdater mixin... But, to preserve the values from 
the Form - to reload them after the refresh - it needed to @Persist the values 
and update them everytime the fields lost their focus.


<t:textfield clientEvent="change" event="changeName" 
zone="updateZone" t:mixins="zoneUpdater" 
t:value="current.name" t:id="name" 
t:validate="required" size="30"/>

So, there is a "changeName()" method in the Page Class to update the "name" 
field value - which is @Persist'ed.

I don't like the way it sounds. Is there another way to achieve the nesting and 
preserve the Form fields values?


- Everton

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