
De: Everton Agner <>
Para: Tapestry Users <>
Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 5 de Abril de 2010 15:42:55
Assunto: [T5.1] Can I manually use the IoC container to obtain Objects?


As I've said before, I'm integration Envers in my T5.1 Application, and 
everything seems clear except for : How can I obtain the Request object by the 
IoC if the Enver's RevisionListener class is not controlled by the IoC? (it's a 
Singleton per EntityManagerFactory object as far as I've read)

So... can I manually use the IoC container to obtain Objects? I guess T5.1 will 
not understand some @Inject annotations in a not-T5.1-IoC-controlled-Class.

If not, how can I add my RevisionListener Class to the T5.1 IoC control?


- Everton

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