That just sounds like you're asking for trouble down the road, though. ;) You're effectively relying on implementation details of the component. It'll break if:
  * AjaxFormLoop changes the id of the contained RowInjector component
  * You want more than one AjaxFormLoop on the page

I'll grant you that it works... for now. :) And it's the sort of solution I might put in projects that I write for myself, but not a solution I would put into a project I write for clients.

It's probably worth submitting a jira for a feature addition to make this sort of functionality easier/more robust.


On Apr 8, 2010, at 4/89:20 PM , Brian Heston wrote:

I've done something similar without much hacking. In my case I have an autocomplete field in each row, and when a selection is made I needed to add a new row automatically so the user can enter the next item. I found that the row injector always has the same name, so I just call the trigger function defined in tapestry.js when I want to add the new row. The addRow parameter is empty so the link doesn't render, but the trigger still does.

<div t:type="ajaxFormLoop" t:source="items" t:value="item">
<input type="text" t:type="textField" t:value="" t:mixins="autocomplete2" t:afterUpdateElement="itemSelected"/>
   <t:parameter name="addRow"></t:parameter>

function itemSelected() {

You may notice that I'm using my own autocomplete mixin, which I had to make to expose the afterUpdateElement event, but if you've got some other logic that invokes the adding of a row the idea should be the same.

Hope this helps,

From: Juan Isern []
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 6:43 PM
Subject: Re: Tweaking an AjaxFormLoop

Robert, I've got to say that you gave me the answer that I feared most.

Hehe, REALLY thanks for your tips, I knew already that sooner or later I had
to hack into tapestry.js


Robert Zeigler wrote:

On Apr 8, 2010, at 4/81:48 PM , Juan Isern wrote:

What I would like to do is to trigger an "addRow" event by executing
javascript (that will be invoked when an upload finishes). I thought
simulating a click event on an invisible "add row" link but I'm sure
a prettier solution out there.

There are other ways to do it, although I'm not sure I would call them
"prettier". :)
AjaxFormLoop places an "AjaxFormLoopContext" object into the
environment when it renders.
You can access this object and add a call to "addAddRowTrigger". That part is pretty. The main issue (for you) is that tapestry then assumes
that the trigger is going to be invoked on the "click" action, which
isn't what you want in this case.
There's a way around it, and that's where things get uglier. You can
monkey patch tapestry.js to override
Tapestry.Initializer.ajaxFormLoop, and make it behave how you want.
This is typically how I've implemented custom "add row" functionality.

It might be a nifty change to enable a second form of the
"addAddRowTrigger" that takes, say, a js callback name as a 2nd
argument.  Or perhaps some flag triggering whether the first argument
is an id or a callback.  In any event, the initializer could then
check for the appropriate condition, and if the condition is met, the
initializer would delegate the setup to the callback, passing in the
row injector, rather than assuming a click.  If there's enough
interest in something like this, I would be willing to do the work to
add it to the framework (the exact api would need to be worked out,

The same question could apply to any client-side ajax behavior, like
refreshing zones. Is there any way to do it programmatically via

The best answer here is to take a look for yourself through (mainly)
the tapestry.js file.
But, yes, you can refresh zones in non-default ways; the trick (as
with AjaxFormLoop above) is getting a handle to the runtime js objects.

Another thing: the javascript effect displayed when a row is added/
behaves in a somewhat weird fashion. Can be this effect be disabled or
Check out the "show" parameter.

Thanks a lot!
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