   what version of GAE are you using ?

   T still has an issue that prevents it from running out of the
box. Search for GAE on this list to find it. The issue is fixed in 5.2 and
works like magic ( I'm using the 5.2 snapshot build w/ GAE 1.3.0)

    There are a number of T5 apps running in GAE, search this list for more
details. There are a couple of things you need to do to make the dev server
run OK (e.g. there's some monkeying around w/ the agent that ships w/ the
dev server), search for Dmitry Gusev's posts on this list (and on his blog)
for details.


Alex K

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 1:55 PM, Michael Taylor <miketay...@google.com>wrote:

> Hello Tapestry Users,
> I’ve been playing around with getting Tapestry  working on Google
> App Engine and I’m having a issue with running it on the DevApp server.
> Essentially the DevApp server uses a custom class loader to simulate the
> class loading restrictions imposed by GAE.
> It looks as though for some reason this custom class loader is preventing
> tapestry from being able to locate page classes.  Specifically
> org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.services.ClassNameLocatorImpl::findClassesWithinPath(String
> packagePath)
> does the following lookup
> Enumeration<URL> urls = contextClassLoader.getResources(packagePath);
> which when I run it in the GAE DevApp always seems to come back empty.
> I did some searching around on line and found this issue
> http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=1480
> which seems suspiciously similar but isn’t quite the behavior I’m seeing.
> In that case Tapestry was unable to load a component (Loop) that was found
> in a page.  I don’t even seem to get that far.  The filter never finds any
> of my page objects and thus never gets as far as looking for the components
> that they might use.
> Has anyone else run into this problem? Any pointers would be much
> appreciated.
> Regards,
> Mike Taylor

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