Hey there,

We are glad to introduce "tapestry5-jquery": a jQuery integration
for Tapestry 5! This integration is already available as a maven
artifact. This library fully drop out Prototype, Scriptaculous, Blackbird
and tapestry.js and replace them by jQuery.

We did our best to make this integration as transparent as possible. An
important part of components can still be used as is! We tried to stick the
more we can to jQuery philosophy. All code is based on official jQuery
coding style guidelines and on existing plugins.

jQuery for Tapestry 5 has been a long time request from an important part of
Tapestry community. There was some discussions about it and Tapestry 5.2
should provide some built in bridges for other JavaScript frameworks
integration, however there is no chance to see that for Tapestry 5.1.x.

Currently, the module is still in snapshot version and we need feedback from
users before releasing it. We are looking forward to find bugs (if there are
any) and any lack of features... Some (big) choices have been made and as
there is new features, some features that were present with
prototype/scriptaculous are not available anymore.

All source code is available on Github. Don't forget to read the README file
for installation instructions and How To:

This module comes with a bonus module: "tapestry5-clientresources". It's a
small module also for Tapestry that offers the possibility to
changes default JS and CSS included on each pages. When not using Tapestry 5
default JS stack (prototype, scriptaculous...) it also fix direct calls to
Prototype functions, like already reported
bug TAP5-994 (and fixed in 5.2). Again, check Github for source code and
instructions: http://github.com/got5/tapestry5-clientresources

Of course, we are looking forward to leverage theses modules to Tapestry 5.2
as soon as this version is released.

-- http://github.com/got5

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