Change your loglevel to something less verbose then WARN (e.g. ERROR). Those warnings are there for a reason though. You really should fix the underlying issues instead of hiding them.


On 30.04.2010 04:22, asianCoolz wrote:
    my log4j output the below warning, how to disable below warning and only 
if there is error

10:12:12.506 WARN [http-8080-3] - Template for component
PeopleSeeEmployeeMasterTable does not reference embedded components:
controlCheckbox, checkbox.
10:12:15.271 WARN [http-8080-4] - Template for component PeopleSeeDivision does
not reference embedded components: controlCheckbox, checkbox.
10:12:16.834 WARN [http-8080-2] - Template for component
PeopleSeeDepartmentMasterTable does not reference embedded components:
controlCheckbox, checkbox.
10:12:19.630 WARN [http-8080-4] - Template for component
PeopleSeeDivisionSelectKeySuppliers does not reference embedded components:
controlCheckbox, checkbox.
10:12:32.052 WARN [http-8080-5] - Template for component
PeopleSeeConfigMasterTable does not reference embedded components:
controlCheckbox, checkbox.
10:14:23.519 WARN [http-8080-4] - Component 'Conditional' (at
context:/WEB-INF/PeopleEditPeople.html, line 25) is deprecated, and will likely
be removed in a later release. Consult its documentation to find a replacement
10:14:31.519 WARN [http-8080-3] - Component 'Conditional' (at
context:/WEB-INF/TEST.html, line 19) is deprecated, and will likely be removed
in a later release. Consult its documentation to find a replacement component.
10:14:32.909 WARN [http-8080-5] - Component 'Conditional' (at
context:/WEB-INF/TestThisSurveyStep1.html, line 19) is deprecated, and will
likely be removed in a later release. Consult its documentation to find a
replacement component.

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