Are you sure that you are not setting the PRODUCTION_MODE symbol to false somewhere else? Try searching your codebase. Are you using some third-party module that is setting it to false?


On 30.04.2010 05:53, Raul Raja Martinez wrote:
private boolean production;

This works fine, the problem is that I can only set Production mode to
true if I explicitly set a system property... see below...

public static void
contributeApplicationDefaults(MappedConfiguration<String, String>
configuration) {
         configuration.add(SymbolConstants.PRODUCTION_MODE, "true");
//this has no effect
//this works fine

2010/4/28 Josh Canfield<>:
when querying the symbol value it's wrong.

How are you getting the value?

On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 12:20 PM, Raul Raja Martinez<>  wrote:
Already doing that and it seems to take no effect, I can see the
method is getting invoked and I'm setting the value to "true" but then
when querying the symbol value it's wrong.
Only by calling System.setProperty(SymbolConstants.PRODUCTION_MODE,
"true") seems to work

2010/4/27 Igor Drobiazko<>:
You should contribute to the configuration of ApplicationDefaults to define
symbol values or override Tapestry's values for production:

    public static void
contributeApplicationDefaults(MappedConfiguration<String, String>
        configuration.add(SymbolConstants.SUPPORTED_LOCALES, "en,fr,de");
        configuration.add(SymbolConstants.PRODUCTION_MODE, "true");

To override these values in dev env you should set VM arguments in your IDE.


On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 6:49 AM, Raul Raja Martinez<>wrote:

Trying to set tapestry.production-mode=true on latest snapshot, tried
as filter context param, app module override and env variable and it's
value is always set to false
Anybody experience anything similar or seeing this behavior?
What is the recommended strategy to keep dev and prod with different
values for tapestry.production-mode,

thanks in advance

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Raul Raja

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