The behavoior of combination of JQ tabs and T5 is quite strange. Tabs are loaded dynamically using it's links like this:

<div id="content" class="ui-tabs ui-widget">
<ul id="content-tabs-handles">
<li id="actualTab">
<a t:type="pageLink" t:page="switch" t:context="literal:actual">Aktuálne(</a>
<li id="switchTab">
<a t:type="pageLink" t:page="switch" t:context="literal:archive">Archív</a>
In case the tab content is loaded firt time, all is OK, tab content is loaded sucesfully, T5 server returns content type "text/html" with the page rendered. But if a T5 grid exists inside the returned content, after click on link in grid header (= change sorting), or on pagination links, the T5 server returns content type "text/json" and only "{}" = empty JSON. Sort and pagination links are rendered as event links by T5 - for example: "http://localhost:8080/actual.content.grid.columns:sort/serialNum";. This is the only difference. If I compared request sent in first time content is loaded with subsequent requests (sent in case sort links are clicked on), I did not find any differences (except URL): in both cases, the header field "X-Requested-With=|XMLHttpRequest|" exists. When I striped out the "X-Requested-With" header field (using FF header modification plugin), all was OK - server always returned HTML.

Dne 11.5.2010 3:36, Alex Kotchnev napsal(a):
    what if you just point the URL that's used w/ jQuery tabs to a regular
Tapestry page ? If I recall correctly, the jQuery tabs used a<ul>, and each
<li>  with<a href=#">   inside had an URL of a standalone page that renders
w/o any particular layout .


Alex K

2010/5/10 Radek Terber<>

Hi all

I try to use jQuery "tabs" together with the T5 grid in simple page - the
page with grid is put as content of a tab (it seams to be good idea due
application could be divided into amall pieces - without static component
dependencies, as it is required by tabs made using T5, and I can combine T5
pages with other resources in tabs). It works fine, but grid's links for
paging and sorting does not function. I have registered listeners on
"onclick" evets on those links and send AJAX request to T5, but T5 - when
gets XmlHttpRequest - does not render HTML page, but it returns enpty JSON.
How to tel the T5 to render notmal HTML page in respone on XmlHttpRequest
(aka AJAX request) ?  I cannot use "ajax" variant of grid sorting and
paging, I need just use the page.

Thanks, radek.

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