actually, further investigation shows that the value for 'top' cannot be overridden by js at 'onload' or similar, because the 'top' value is set every time the div is displayed. i suppose if i could attach a client side listener for 'menuDisplayed' (or the like) i could change the value.

further, having tested in both IE and FF the positioning of the div is inconsistent.

in IE, the right hand side of the div is aligned to the right hand side of the text box (bad), and it sits directly under the text box (good).

in FF, the div is the same width as the text box (good), the div is aligned to the text box (good), and it sits 17px below the text box (bad).

I'm not sure why the behaviours are different, or if some of this is configurable.


Paul Stanton wrote:
yes, i was hoping to be able to change the value for 'top' before the component was rendered on the page (if that were possible), but i'm sure i can change the value after the page is rendered. i will try.

fyi, changing the definition of the class 't-autocomplete-menu' would not override the inline style attribute value, the only clientside solution would be to get the div by id and set the top programmatically.


Steve Eynon wrote:
Ol' Firebug tells me the autocomplete div looks like this:

    style="position: absolute; left: 152px; top: 126px; width: 146px;
display: none;">

So I guess you should be looking to CSS style-ise #countryName:menu or


On 13 May 2010 23:48, Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo <> wrote:
On Fri, 14 May 2010 00:24:12 -0300, Paul Stanton <>

i've just started using the autocomplete mixin after reading this demo:

one thing i'd like to change is how far away the search result div appears
from the input text. i'd like to reduce the gap to 0 pixels if at all
Just use ordinary CSS style override.

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Independent Java, Apache Tapestry 5 and Hibernate consultant, developer, and
Owner, Ars Machina Tecnologia da Informação Ltda.

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