I just checked in some very nice changes for Tapestry 5.2; you can now
easily store data about a page in the URL as query parameters:
@QueryParameterMapped private String name;

By annotating a page (not a component!) field this way, the field will
be mapped to the query parameter "name". When a page render link or
component event link for the page is created, the current value of the
field will be added as parameter "name". When that link is triggered to
form a request, the parameter will be read and the field updated from
the query parameter value.
It isn't limited to strings ... it uses the whole ValueEncoder
machinery so that you can encode numbers or even Hibernate entities
(represented in the URL as their primary key).
Cool stuff, if I do say so myself. Even I'm still learning how to flex
the massive amount of meta-programming muscle that Tapestry provides.
It turns out that the combination of component method advice with
custom events triggered on the page can do some really sophisticated

Posted By Howard to Tapestry Central at 6/24/2010 07:00:00 PM

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