I'm using Eclipse 3.4.1 and debugging with a variety of JVMs from late 1.4s
to 1.6+ -I'm finding that the mouseover popups or watch variables frequently
evaluate variables as null in, say, some page method, but then if I follow
the debugger through to the service / DAO layer I can get a correct value
for the variable in a popup / watch - this is ex. a parameter that may be
assigned in a page method and then passed to the service layer, and so has
not been reassigned between the page and the service method.  This is
becoming a real PITA - I wasted about 2 hours yesterday scratching my head
about why some entity wasn't being set in a page by a BEF as the debugger
displayed it as null, when in fact the real problem was down to a database
issue, and BEF was setting the value as expected.

Does this debugging issue ring a bell with anyone?  Any workarounds?  Is it
down to using T5 annotations on methods and them being instrumented? 




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