Yep, that's the "fallback" solution. But it requires two requests to
the server. First getting the javascript and then updating the zone.
I would prefer to return everything in one request. That is possible
using the internal services.


On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 11:11 PM, Anna Vo <> wrote:
> Markus-
> You can inject ComponentResources, pass the zoneId and eventlink to
> your javascript method with a JSONObject in your javascript
> initializer call , and then call the tapestry zone update via client
> side javascript.
> Example Java Code:
> @Inject
> private ComponentResources resources;
> @Environmental
> private JavaScriptSupport javascriptSupport;
> @InjectComponent
> private Zone yourZone;
> void afterRender()
> {
> Link url = resources.createEventLink("yourMethodName");
> JSONObject spec = new JSONObject();
> spec.put("zoneId", yourZone.getClientId());
> spec.put("url", url.toString());
> javascriptSupport.addInitializerCall(InitializationPriority.NORMAL,
> "yourJsFunction", spec);
> }
> Object onYourMethodName()
> {
> return yourZone.getBody();
> }
> Example Javascript Code:
> Tapestry.Initializer.yourJsFunction = function(spec)
> {
> ....
> var zone = Tapestry.findZoneManagerForZone(spec.zoneId);
> zone.updateFromURL(spec.url);
> ....
> };
> You can also observe the Tapestry.ZONE_UPDATED_EVENT in your
> javascript by doing this if you wanted to perform a zone update first
> and then do some javascript:
> $(spec.zoneId).observe(Tapestry.ZONE_UPDATED_EVENT, someJsFunction)
> On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 3:24 PM, Markus Joschko
> <> wrote:
>> I have a "dialog" on a page which has some eventlinks that are
>> triggering serverside actions via ajax requests.
>> When some conditions are met, the server will decide to close the
>> dialog and update a zone in the page.
>> That requires to send the javascript close command and a zone update
>> to the browser as response to the event method.
>> Now I have problems to figure out the best way to do this.
>> Although there is the MultiZoneUpdate object I can't use it as the
>> RenderCommand that encapsulates the javascript does not work nicely
>> with it (leaving the zone name blank gives an error on the
>> clientside).
>>  I found another approach on the mailinglist that works but it
>> involves the PageRenderQueue, which is an internal service.
>> Is there a better way to achieve what I want?
>> Regards,
>>  Markus
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