Why do you need to disable the autocomplete field this way ?
What happens if the user makes a mistake and chooses à wring value ?

A quick answer can be to use a hidden and fill it with the value in
JavaScript. This hidden value will be mapped with the java class. So when
submitting you will have your value
But I don't see the point of disabling this way


2010/9/21 Cucchietti Denis <denis.cucchie...@atosorigin.com>

> Hi Katia,
> Yes its after submitting.
> It's on an autocomplete textfield. When the user select a value into the
> autocomplete list I have added some javascript in order to disable the
> textfield. But when I submit the form the textfield is null :-/.
> Is there another mean to forbid the user to change the value of the
> textfield?
> Thanks ;-)
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Katia Aresti Gonzalez [mailto:katiaare...@gmail.com]
> Envoyé : mardi 21 septembre 2010 17:10
> À : Tapestry users
> Objet : Re: Textfield disabled return a null value
> Do you mean after submitting ?
> When a field is disabled on HTML, this field's value is not submitted.
> where is this field's value coming from ?
> 2010/9/21 Cucchietti Denis <denis.cucchie...@atosorigin.com>
> > Hi everybody !
> >
> > I have a little problem :
> >
> > I want to get a value from a field which is disabled but in my page.java
> > the property is null even if the textfield is not empty.
> >
> > The problem is that I don't want that the user modify the textfield...
> >
> > Thanks for your help in advance !
> >
> >
> >
> >
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