This is in Tapestry 4, right?
To send the client to a different URL you can throw a RedirectException instead:

void redirectToNextPage()
  IEngineService pageService = getPageService();
  String pageName = "NextTapestryPage";
  ILink link = pageService.getLink(false, pageName);
  throw new RedirectException(link.getAbsoluteURL());

You also need to inject the page service in your page/component class:

public abstract IEngineService getPageService();

On Wed, 22 Sep 2010 12:00:10 +0200, asianCoolz <> wrote:

with throw new PageRedirectException("NextTapestryPage"); , i was redicectd to another page, but the url on the browser address bar is not change. is there
any method i can call "forward", so that use 'forward' to another page

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