You were probably hitting the page url for every image with the image path
as context to the page.
On 18 Oct 2010 23:41, "Jeshurun Daniel" <> wrote:
> I've finally figured out the cause of the problem but is just really
> weird. Turns out the problem was being caused by a CSS class name!
> This is the code from the breadcrumb component:
> <div class="module"
> xmlns:t="";>
> <t:loop source="menuItems" value="currentMenuItem">
> <a
> href="${context}${}">${currentMenuItem.text}</a>
> <img src="/images/arrow.png" alt="" />
> </t:loop> ${currentPage.text}
> </div>
> The css in the container component for class="module" had something like
> this:
> div.module{
> background: url(../images/square2.gif) no-repeat bottom left;
> }
> This were around 4 images loaded the same way. Apparently, all the paths
> were invalid.
> So I changed them to
> div.module {
> background: url(${asset:context:/layout/images/square2.gif})
> no-repeat bottom left;
> }
> And all the Hibernate queries disappeared? Can someone please explain to
> me what is going on here?
> I'm just lost. I'm using Hibernate with Spring, not tapestry-hibernate
> as I need access to multiple databases.
> Thanks,
> Jeshurun
> On Mon, 2010-10-18 at 16:20 -0600, Jeshurun Daniel wrote:
>> Hi Howard,
>> Thanks for the quick reply, I really need help with this.
>> I have three page classes, Index, Page1 and Page2
>> Template for Index:
>> <div t:type="MyTheme"
>> t:mainMenuId="1" //I'm passing a param for the menu, but I don't want
>> breadcrumbs on this page
>> // Other page specific stuff
>> </div>
>> Template for Page1:
>> <div t:type="MyTheme" // I want neither menu nor breadcrumbs on this
>> // Other page specific stuff
>> </div>
>> Template for Page2:
>> <div t:type="MyTheme"
>> t:breadcrumbId="12"// I want just breadcrumbs on this page
>> // Other page specific stuff
>> </div>
>> I have three components, a layout component, a menu component and a
>> page component.
>> This is the source for the layout component
>> public class MyTheme {
>> @Property
>> @Parameter(required = false)
>> private Integer breadcrumbMenuId;
>> @Property
>> @Parameter(required = false )
>> private Integer mainMenuId;
>> public boolean isMainMenu(){
>> if(mainMenuId != null && mainMenuId != 0)
>> return true;
>> return false;
>> }
>> public boolean isBreadcrumb(){
>> if(breadcrumbMenuId != null && breadcrumbMenuId != 0)
>> return true;
>> return false;
>> }
>> //other code
>> }
>> The is the simplified layout component template
>> <t:if test="mainMenu">
>> <t:mainMenu mainMenuId="inherit:mainMenuId" />
>> </t:if>
>> <t:if test="breadcrumb">
>> <t:breadcrumb breadcrumbMenuId="breadcrumbMenuId" />
>> </t:if>
>> This is the code for the breadcrumb component
>> public class Breadcrumb {
>> @Inject
>> private MenuService menuService;
>> @Parameter(required=true)
>> private Integer breadcrumbMenuId;
>> @Property
>> private List<MenuItem> menuItems;
>> @SuppressWarnings("unused")
>> @Property
>> private MenuItem currentMenuItem;
>> @SuppressWarnings("unused")
>> @Property
>> private MenuItem currentPage;
>> @BeginRender
>> void setupBreadcrumb(){
>> menuItems = menuService.getMenuItemTree(breadcrumbMenuId);
>> currentPage = menuItems.remove(menuItems.size()-1);
>> }
>> }
>> And the corresponding template
>> <div class="module"
>> xmlns:t="";>
>> <t:loop
>> source="menuItems" value="currentMenuItem">
>> <a
>> href="${context}${}">${currentMenuItem.text}</a>
>> <img src="/images/arrow.png" alt="" />
>> </t:loop> ${currentPage.text}
>> </div>
>> And finally the menu component class
>> public class MainMenu extends Menu{
>> @Parameter(required = true )
>> private Integer mainMenuId;
>> @BeginRender
>> void setupComponent(){ //The superclass calls a method in the service
>> to build a composite
>> super.setupComponent(mainMenuId);
>> }
>> }
>> and its template
>> <div id="menu-mss" class="moomenu"
>> xmlns:t="";>
>> <ul class="menutop">
>> <t:outputraw value="menu.print()"/> //the menu property comes from the
>> superclass
>> </ul>
>> </div>
>> Now everything here works fine and I don't get any errors.
>> This is the general flow of the application.
>> 1. When someone logs in they come to the index page. This page only
>> has a menu and no breadcrumbs
>> 2. The second page has neither a menu nor a breadcrumb. It simply has
>> a pagelink to Page2
>> 3. The third page only has the breadcrumb. This is where the problem
>> is.
>> The breadcrumb component runs two queries to build the breadcrumb for
>> this page.
>> But when I look at the console when this page loads, I see these two
>> queries, plus four repetitions of the query
>> for building the menu. The menuId in these queries is the menuId i set
>> on the Index page(1).
>> I have no idea how it is still hanging around. If I print it in the
>> getter/setter or the component, or
>> in the setupComponent() method and refresh page2, I see that it is
>> called four times and prints out menuId as 1,
>> even though I'm not passing it in the page class. However, if I
>> restart the server and go straight to page2,
>> then the getter method for menuId is never called and I dont see the
>> query for the menu in the console.
>> I tried moving the breadcrumb component to the page class and it does
>> the same thing. Its almost as if the menuId
>> parameter passed from the Index page into the component has been
>> persisted. If i remove the breadcrumb tag in
>> the page class, the menu queries don't show up either. If i remove the
>> <t:mainMenu /> tag from the component,
>> again the additional queries disappear.
>> I tried something like this in the component after making mainMenuId a
>> prop binding
>> @AfterRender
>> void cleanUp(){
>> mainMenuId = null;
>> }
>> Still the same thing.
>> I tried setting cache=false on mainMenuId on the component with no
>> luck
>> My setup uses Tapestry, spring 2.5.6 and the latest version of
>> Hibernate (3.2.x).
>> Again, I don't get any errors. Its just that it bothers me because I
>> don't understand why it does that :). Besides, building
>> the menu is expensive (very recursive), so I don't want to do it if
>> the page doesn't need it.
>> This is probably either expected behaviour or I'm just blindly
>> overlooking something, but in either case, any pointers on
>> how I can get around this is appreciated.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Jeshurun

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