I had a working Tapestry 5.1 project. I restarted Eclipse, and now Maven won't include the tapestry JARs when running my app using the jetty plugin. Everything compiles fine, but running it leads to a class not found for org.apache.tapestry5.TapestryFilter. I'm running it in Tomcat from Eclipse. My old Tapestry 4 app works (non-Maven).

Exporting the app to a .WAR file fails to include any maven dependency. Any ideas on what could have happened? I've tried updating dependencies, purging the .m2 cache of tapestry JARs, and clearing the tomcat directory. No difference. How can it compile and not run? It's compiling from the Maven dependencies.

I haven't edited my pom.xml in like a year. I also have plenty of disk space (>100GB). I'm rather baffled.

Norman Franke
Answering Service for Directors, Inc.

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