On Mon, 01 Nov 2010 11:43:28 -0200, Paulo Andrade <p...@mega.ist.utl.pt> wrote:



Sorry if this an easy question,

It isn't. Actually, it's not even a Tapestry-only problem, but of stateful web applications too.

but I'm new to tapestry and couldn't quite figure out how does tapestry handle sessions.

Tapestry just delegates to an HttpSession.

If two request for the same session arrive simultaneously, will the session object be accessed concurrently in two threads?

Yes, as in (almost) any other Java web app.

Take the following code:

Foo someSessionObject;
bool someSessionObjectExists;
if( !someSessionObjectExists ){
        someSessionObject = getSomeSessionObject();

You can use @SessionState(create = null) and check if someSessionObject is null directly.

If two request with the same session execute that if statement the getSomeSessionObject() might be called twice and thus creating two objects.

Yes, but only one will be used, as both will be mapped to the same session attribute name.

Coming form WebObjects I usually don't have to worry about this because I know that two threads are never accessing the same Session object simultaneously. All session access is serialized.
So how does this work with tapestry?

Tapestry nor the Servlet API synchronize access to the session.

PS: I'm playing with Tapestry 5.2.
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Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Independent Java, Apache Tapestry 5 and Hibernate consultant, developer, and instructor
Owner, Ars Machina Tecnologia da Informação Ltda.
Consultor, desenvolvedor e instrutor em Java, Tapestry e Hibernate
Coordenador e professor da Especialização em Engenharia de Software com Ênfase em Java da Faculdade Pitágoras

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