Hello Tapestry Users,

I'm writing to you because I would like to add a filter functionality to the 
Grid component. In short, this filter consists of a text field per column in 
the header row. Text entered there should filter out all rows that don't match 
the text. To make clearer what I mean, I've attached a (hopefully small enough) 
picture of my current prototype implemented by giving a header block as param 
to the Grid component:

Functionally, if the user enters i.e. *100* under "Size Header" the Grid should 
update and contain only the two matching rows.

My question is this:
Does anyone have any advice on what the smoothest way to add this (and maybe 
get the changes back into tapestry later, if my employer allows it) would be? 
My current plan is to simply copy the current Grid implementation and modify it 
to support the filter feature, creating a completely new component. Did I miss 
something obvious in tapestry that would allow me to this more easily? The 
route I took with the prototype doesn't get me father as I currently don't see 
how to supply the grid with these blocks both dynamically and generically.

Thanks for the time you took to read this and thanks in advance for any 
response you send my way.
Also thanks to HLS and all tapesty developer and testers for making a this 

Kind Regards,
Wulf Wechsung

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