Try foo()
On Dec 25, 2010 9:26 AM, "Sergio Esteves" <>
> I'm just doing this inside the loop body: "${foo}" and the method foo
> isn't called if the returning type is void. It's just that. I wonder if
> there is another way, but, if not, a workaround is to return a null
> Regards.
> On 25-12-2010 17:16, Taha Hafeez wrote:
>> Sorry! I didn't see 'AJAXFORM' :). Can you share the code ?
>> regards
>> Taha
>> On Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 10:39 PM, Sergio Esteves<
>>> wrote:
>>> But for what I want to do is easier to use the component ajaxformloop,
>>> I will need to add and remove rows.
>>> On 25-12-2010 17:07, Taha Hafeez wrote:
>>> Loop already has an index parameter. Can't you use that
>>> regards
>>> Taha
>>> On Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 10:32 PM, Sergio Esteves<
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I'm using an ajaxformloop and I'm trying to simulate the index of the
>>>> component loop, without making a new component.
>>>> So, in each iteration of the loop I increment a variable that I use
>>>> in the components within the loop.
>>>> Regards.
>>>> On 25-12-2010 16:59, Taha Hafeez wrote:
>>>>> You can't in T5. May I ask what are you trying to do ?
>>>>> regards
>>>>> Taha
>>>>> On Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 10:24 PM, Sergio Esteves<
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I have tried to do this:
>>>>>> tml:
>>>>>> «... ${foo} ...»
>>>>>> java:
>>>>>> «... public void foo() { count++; } ...» (I tried with "void
>>>>>> too)
>>>>>> But without success. The thing is the returning type of void.
>>>>>> Thanks.
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