Currently both annotations claim ownership of the field. This prevents
conflicts when managing read/write access. For instance, which annotation
should provide the value for the field if both a persisted value and a
parameter value are available?

I would recommend breaking it into two fields. Note that if your parameter
is bound to a property of the containing component then the getter for that
property will still be called.

Something like this, but compiled and tested which I didn't do!

private String myParameter;

private String myCachedParameter;

private Request request;

void storeCachedParameterValue() {
  if ( !request.isXHR() ) myCachedParameter = myParameter;

private String getMyParameter() {
  if ( request.isXHR() )
    return myCachedParameter;
  return myParameter;


On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 3:40 PM, Paul Stanton <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Does anyone know why you can't use do the following:
> @Parameter
> @Persist
> private String myProperty;
> ?
> I want to initialise the value for my component via a parameter and then
> have it available for ajax event handlers within the component...
> if I can't do the above, what's the recommended approach?
> thanks, p.
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