Thanks.  I switched it over to youtube so if you can play youtube
videos it should work. (If it didn't work before, please try it again
and let me know if there is still a problem.)  Also you can switch it
to HD and put it in full screen mode which makes a lot of the smaller
text easier to read.

Howard had some very good feedback in the comments and I may try to do
a new version to incorporate his suggestions.  If you have any
constructive criticisms, I'd appreciate hearing them either here or in
the post comments.  I'd like to do more videos like this and want to
know if anything can be improved.

In particular, I was wondering what people think of the timing.  Is it
too fast or too slow? My coding while talking skills aren't that great
so I did the video and then added the audio, but I didn't know if that
made it seem too rushed or if it still seemed to drag.


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