Hi Josh,

the book is not ready to be printed yet but I have a good news. The MEAP
(Manning Early Access Program) is about to start. I just fixed the last
minor issues and will inform Manning that we are ready to start. I guess the
publisher needs a week or two to start the MEAP. I'll post an announcement.

Once MEAP is started, the four first chapters are available as PDF. The
following chapters will follow gradually.

Hope that helps.

On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 9:05 AM, Josh Kamau <joshnet2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Is tapestry5 in action book ready yet? I really need it [?] .  I am very
> willing to buy it as it is from the author if it is not yet available in
> Manning. Kindly let me know if its possible to buy a  copy directly from the
> author via say paypal.
> Kind regards.
> Josh.

Best regards,

Igor Drobiazko

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