Thank you very much for your help.
I use the registry from ServletContext.

I'm using this code:
private Context context;

and use this statement to get bean:
Registry registry = (Registry)
entityManager = registry.getService(clazz);


On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 6:11 PM, Igor Drobiazko <>wrote:

> Injecting ObjectLocator into a page or component class is not supported.
> You
> need to provide a wrapper service, which uses ObjectLocator. Then inject it
> into your page and retrieve your services.
> Alternatively you can retrieve the Registry from ServletContext. Check this
> out.
> On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 11:52 AM, Yohan Yudanara
> <>wrote:
> > Hi..
> >
> > Could anyone give me an example how to get service bean, without using
> > @Inject annotation, in page class?
> > Is it using ObjectLocator? What built-in service to inject, in order to
> use
> > ObjectLocator?
> >
> > I can use this when using tapestry-spring and spring ioc:
> > @Inject
> > private ApplicationContext springContext;
> > and use this statement to get bean:
> > entityManager = springContext.getBean(beanNames[0]);
> >
> > How to do the same thing using tapestry-ioc?
> >
> > Thanks..
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Yohan
> >
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Drobiazko

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