
I upgraded my application to 5.2.4 and everything seemed great, but I eventually noticed some weird behavior regarding some functionality that previously worked in my application.

I have a page that displays Entities in a Grid. Each row has a link that triggers an event with the context of the given entity ID. At this point, the page stores the id in a persisted Object called PageId, and sets a boolean to conditionally delegate/render a sub-page in the template. In @BeginRender, the PageId is pushed into the environment. The sub-page provides a BeanEditForm for the given Entity object so a user can update information.

The sub-page uses @Environmental on a PageId object to grab the one pushed on the stack from the Grid page. In onPrepareForRender, an Entity object is loaded from the DB based on the value in the PageId. Everything is good so far. The Entity object is @Property and @Persist annotated. At the end of the onPrepareForRender method, the Entity is set properly. However, it seems to get de-referenced at some point between that method and AfterRender. I put a debug message in AfterRender and the entity object is no longer referencing the expected values. Strangely enough, if I define @Persist Entity entity2 and write entity2 = entity.clone() in the onPrepareForRender method, in AfterRender, entity2 is still the expected Entity object...

After some further prodding, I found out that whichever entity object is set as the object parameter of the BeanEditForm is being re-initialized as if it was assigned = new Entity(). This is breaking my page because I have been using the entity object to 'initialize' the BeanEditForm fields to the stored values of the entity. Since the entity ends up re-initialized during rendering, none of the previously stored fields are available for a user to see and edit.

What is happening to the entity object, I thought BeanEditForm was supposed to use it if it was an initialized property (enforced in the container in a "prepare" event)? The first time the Entity link is clicked on the GridPage, the entity object ends up null. The second time as well. The third time, it displays whatever the previous link should have displayed and continues in this fashion indefinitely. I'd assume I must have some flawed logic here somewhere, but it is a bit baffling that it used to work in 5.1.

Simplified code example:


private Environment env;
private String subPage;
@Persist @Property
private PageId id;
@Persist @Property
private boolean subtabSelect;

public Object onActionFromDetailsLink(String cid){
        subtabSelect = true;

        this.subPage = DETAILS_TAB;
        id = new PageId(cid);
        debug("DetailsLink clicked. SubPageId set to " + this.subPage);

    public void pushPageId(){
        debug("Loaded ViewTPTab and SubPageId = " + this.id);
        env.push(PageId.class, id);

public void  popPageId(){
        this.id = env.pop(PageId.class);


    private PageId id;

    private Environment env;

    @Property @Persist
    private ThirdParty tp;
    private ThirdParty tp2;

    private TPDAO tpdao;

public void onPrepareForRender(){

        tp = (ThirdParty) tpdao.read(id.getId());

/* .... pull some info from the tp object, parse and place into Persisted fields. These fields are the only ones displayed properly in the BeanEditForm. BeanEditForm is referencing the tp object. */

        tp2 = tp.clone();
debug("In onPrepareForRender of DetailsTab. Loaded ::"+tp+":: from DB");

    public void afterRender(){
        debug("In afterRender... the TP object is : " + tp ); //tp is null
        debug("... tp2 : " + tp2); //tp2 = tpdao.read(id.getId())

    void onPrepareForSubmit(){
env.push(PageId.class, heldId); //push back into environment on submit from BeanEditForm

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