On 19.04.2011 19:11, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
> Out of curiosity ... does anyone out there rely on live class
> (template, message catalog, whatever) reloading in their live,
> production application?  Now, normally, I'd think not, because the
> deployed app will be packaged in a WAR and the unit of redeployment is
> the entire WAR ... but I suppose some people could be using the
> "exploded WAR" format, which would allow classes and templates to be
> updated while the application runs.
Live reloading was a life saver for me in production.

We started with a term enrollment application that supports the whole
workflow of a student choosing elective courses and submitting his
choice and getting approval by the academic adviser, and also automatic
inclusion of students in courses. We went in production with just 90% of
the use-cases covered with alpha quality code. While in production we
fixed bugs and developed the remaining 10%. So live reloading was very

But this application is constantly growing and has become almost a whole
student information system with courses, enrollments, grades, exams,
class schedule, finances :) This constant growth and running in
production on alpha quality code means that there were and there will be
many many bugs. Since the problem is usually in the business logic, not
in the GUI itself, the introduction of live reloading of service classes
was in fact the most useful thing of all.

If you are in position to set it up so that one can choose whether he
needs live reloading of all class, just services, or not at all, (or
maybe package by package) this would be the best.

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