@Josh - When I debug Select in 5.2.4 (break on processSubmission(),
line 166), selectedValue is blank which is expected. So select
correctly submits without a value, it's just it seems that the
validator does not recognize that select state was repopulated via
zone and consequently no value was submitted the 2nd time. It seems to
me like the form validator somehow things that select has the value
from the prior submission, but it really doesn't since it was reset
via zone update.

@Mark - by validation kicks in, I meant that form was submitted and
validated. I have a debug on state code passed from the state select
component when form activates, and AddressUiBean comes back with the
correct value. That is, when I select the state from the dropdown,
AddressUiBean carries the state as expected. Even when form is in
error, as I change the country thereby causing state dropdown get
repopulated, and resubmit the form with blank option for state (did
not select the state), AddressUiBean shows null state code (as
expected). Yet the form does not report the error on the required
state field.


On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 10:25 PM, Mark <mark-li...@xeric.net> wrote:
> When you say "Validation kicks in" does this occur after a submit?  If so,
> is it possible that AddressUIBean is remembering the value that was present
> when the submit occurred and then on the second submit it is getting set to
> null again?
> At the point when you would expect an error to occur, what is the value of
> the state field?  That should give you a good clue as to what is happening.
> Mark
> On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 5:11 PM, Adam Zimowski <zimowsk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have a typical address form with street, city zip textfields and two
>> dropdowns: country and state. The state dropdown is wrapped in a zone
>> so that when country is selected, states are populated:
>> <div class="kk-field" t:type="zone" t:id="stateModelZone"><t:select
>> t:id="a_state" model="stateModel" validate="required"
>> value="stateKode" blankOption="ALWAYS" blankLabel="literal:--Please
>> Select"/></div>
>> All works okay, except for a test case my business analyst found which
>> I can't figure out.
>> You fill out a form, pick a country then pick a state and suppose you
>> leave city field empty which is required. Validation kicks in. While
>> correcting a city error, you decide to switch a country causing state
>> list to get repopulated and state be not selected again. Suppose you
>> submit the form, I expect the error that state is required, but error
>> is not thrown. Only if I resubmit the form a second time, state will
>> be flagged in error.
>> I am resetting state to null on country change. I have even tried
>> setting form state field in error, none of which works.
>> ---------- TML --------------
>> <t:form t:id="registrationForm">
>> <div class="kk-hdr">Address Information</div>
>>  <div class="kk-row">
>>  <div class="kk-label"><t:label for="a_line1"/> :</div>
>>  <div class="kk-field"><t:textfield t:id="a_line1"
>> value="address.line1"/></div>
>>  <t:error class="literal:kk-error" for="a_line1"/>
>>  </div>
>>  <div class="kk-row">
>>  <div class="kk-label"><t:label for="a_line2"/> :</div>
>>  <div class="kk-field"><t:textfield t:id="a_line2"
>> value="address.line2"/></div>
>>  <t:error class="literal:kk-error" for="a_line2"/>
>>  </div>
>>  <div class="kk-row">
>>  <div class="kk-label"><t:label for="a_line3"/> :</div>
>>  <div class="kk-field"><t:textfield t:id="a_line3"
>> value="address.line3"/></div>
>>  <t:error class="literal:kk-error" for="a_line3"/>
>>  </div>
>>  <div class="kk-row">
>>  <div class="kk-label"><t:label for="a_city"/> :</div>
>>  <div class="kk-field"><t:textfield t:id="a_city"
>> value="address.city"/></div>
>>  <t:error class="literal:kk-error" for="a_city"/>
>>  </div>
>>  <div class="kk-row">
>>  <div class="kk-label"><t:label for="a_zip"/> :</div>
>>  <div class="kk-field"><t:textfield t:id="a_zip"
>> value="address.zipCode"/></div>
>>  <t:error class="literal:kk-error" for="a_zip"/>
>>  </div>
>>  <div class="kk-row">
>>  <div class="kk-label"><t:label for="a_state"/> :</div>
>>  <div class="kk-field" t:type="zone" t:id="stateModelZone"><t:select
>> t:id="a_state" model="stateModel" validate="required"
>> value="address.stateCode" blankOption="ALWAYS"
>> blankLabel="literal:--Please Select"/></div>
>>  <t:error class="literal:kk-error" for="a_state"/>
>>  </div>
>>  <div class="kk-row">
>>  <div class="kk-label"><t:label for="a_country"/> :</div>
>>  <div class="kk-field"><t:select t:id="a_country" model="countryModel"
>> value="address.countryCode" blankOption="NEVER"
>> zone="stateModelZone"/></div>
>>  </div>
>>  <p>
>>  <input t:type="submit" value="message:submit-label"/>
>>  </p>
>> </t:form>
>> ---------------- Page class -------------------------
>> public class Register extends BasePage {
>>        @Inject
>>        private Logger log;
>>        @Inject
>>        private UtilityServiceRemote utilityService;
>>        @Persist
>>        @Property
>>        private AddressUiBean address;
>>        @OnEvent(value=EventConstants.PREPARE)
>>        void initialize() {
>>                if(address == null) address = new AddressUiBean();
>>                if(contact == null) contact = new ContactUiBean();
>>                if(registration == null) registration = new
>> RegisterUiBean();
>>                String countryCode = address.getCountryCode();
>>                if(countryCode == null) {
>>                        Locale locale = getLocale();
>>                        countryCode = locale.getCountry();
>>                        address.setCountryCode(countryCode);
>>                }
>>                log.debug("address state code {}", address.getStateCode());
>>        }
>>        @Cached
>>        public Map<String, String> getCountryModel() {
>>                Map<String, String> model = new LinkedHashMap<String,
>> String>();
>>                List<CountryBean> countries =
>>                        utilityService.getAllCountries(getLocale());
>>                for(CountryBean country : countries) {
>>                        String code = country.getCodeIsoAlpha2();
>>                        String description = country.getShortName();
>>                        log.debug("code: {}, description: {}", code,
>> description);
>>                        model.put(code, description);
>>                }
>>                return model;
>>        }
>>        @OnEvent(value=EventConstants.VALUE_CHANGED, component="a_country")
>>        public Object onCountrySelected(String aCountryCode) {
>>                log.debug("selected country: {}", aCountryCode);
>>                address.setStateCode(null);
>>                return stateModelZone.getBody();
>>        }
>>        @Cached
>>        public Map<String, String> getStateModel() {
>>                Map<String, String> model = new LinkedHashMap<String,
>> String>();
>>                String countryCode = address.getCountryCode();
>>                List<StateProvinceBean> states =
>>  utilityService.getAllStateProvincesForCountry(countryCode, getLocale());
>>                for(StateProvinceBean state : states) {
>>                        String code = state.getLookupCode();
>>                        String name = state.getLongName();
>>                        log.debug("code: {}, name {}", code, name);
>>                        model.put(code, name);
>>                }
>>                return model;
>>        }
>> }
>> Adam
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