
I use Spring in tapestry via spring-tapestry module
(org.apache.tapestry5.spring.TapestrySpringFilter filter class)
and tapestry.use-external-spring-context set to true, because I need to have
Spring beans exposed as tapestry services for injection into pages and

After upgrading Spring 3.1M1 this stopped work with error:
service with id "environment" already defined...

which is probably caused by Spring 3.1 introducing internal bean called

Question is how these two make work again... so far I thought along these

1) rename Tapestry environment service which is defined in TapestryModule
      - Is it possible ? How?

2) rename Spring internal environment bean
      ok, I will ask this on Spring forum :)

3) if neither of above possible, modify spring-tapestry module code to
silently swallow exception when exporting spring beans as tapestry service
      - I really do not need spring internal environment bean exposed as a
tapestry service a I think that spring beans are exposed after Tapestry own
services (so Tapestry environment service will be first)

Any thoughts?
Or should this be asked on dev list or entered into JIRA?

Thanks, Jan

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