Hi all,

We're considering switching from a servlet container to a java EE 6 server.
I've installed glassfish 3.1 and am using eclipse helios with glassfish

Glassfish has a reloading feature built in, but it actually reloads the app
whenever a class file change. Tapestry's live class reload would
obviously be much faster!
I've tried to make eclipse output compiled classes directly into the
exploded war on the server.
I've also tried to manually replace the class, but none of these approaches
work. Seems like it's using a 'cached' version even though a newer exist...

I've posted on the glassfish forum, and they seem to be willing to add a
feature to the eclipse plugin that allows class replacement without
redeploy. Great!!
However I don't know if this will fix the issue...

*Have anyone successfully got live class reloading working on glassfish?*

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