Thank Clément,

I will be waiting for this improvement anxiously!

Just a question: Is there a quick way for disabling the client-side
validation on tapestry framework?



Hi Matias,

Thanks for your feedback.

Unfortunately bean validation doesn't work for the moment with got5

I've just opened an issue.

Maybe you should try to disable client validation for the moment, until I
(or someone) solve it.

Regards, Clément

On 21 June 2011 00:20, Matias Blasi <> wrote:

Hi all

I recently integrated my tapestry5 (5.2.5) application with the latest
got5-jquery library (2.1.1)

And I have the following error just entering to an empty page:

Tapestry.Validator is undefined ---> Tapestry.Validator.notnull =
function(field, message, spec) (tapestry-validator.js line 15) from

Is there any incompatibility between tapestry-beanvalidator and
tapestry-jquery? Or am I loosing something?

Regards, Matias.

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