
It’s my first message here and I’m French, English is not my native language; 
please excuse typing errors.
I looked for answers in the Tapestry 5 wiki and by searching in the mail 
archive but I might have used wrong keywords.

My goal is to generate a directed graph of my tapestry website. The pages will 
be the nodes and the oriented edges will be the different inputs/outputs of 
page. For example, if a page can be accessed with two different context, a ajax 
form and two pagelinks to other pages, the corresponding node should have two 
incoming edges, one reflexive edge and two outgoing edges. This graph will help 
to generate tests that will be run by other developers.

To generate this graph, at first I reinvent the wheel : I build a model 
representation of a typical tapestry page. I tried to fill it by introspection 
using Tapestry annotations and TML files. But I realized it may be not the 
cleverer way to do it. So I look how was thing done in Tapestry. I found into 
Tapestry source code that there is different packages that are involved in 
tapestry object representation of the website : org.apache.tapestry5.dom, 
org.apache.tapestry5.model, org.apache.tapestry5.internal.model, 
org.apache.tapestry5.internal.parser, org.apache.tapestry5.internal.renderer 
and others. But I was unable to get Tapestry representation of a page.

Is there a service or a hook somewhere or even a simpler way to enumerate for 
each page page of my web site the inputs/outputs? Maybe someone has already 
done this or there is a library/add-on for this?

Thanks for your help,


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